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Electric Fields

Positive charges their electric fields are pointed out away from the charge. A negative charge their electric field is pointed toward the charge. When a positive and a negative charge are brought close together they will be drawn toward each other, they are magnetic. The electric fields never cross each other when they are magnetic. When you bring a magnetic positive charge and a positive charge together they will be repulsive, the same holds true if you bring a negative charge and a negative ch



Electric Current

In physics we learned about electric current, resistance and conductivity. Electric current is the flow of positive electric charge and the units are amperes (A) which is equal to one coulomb per second. To find the electric current you divide coulombs by the time. An example to find the electric current is when you are given 3000 coulombs and .2 seconds. Divide 3000 by .2 and you would get 15000 amperes. Conductivity is how well a material conveys electric charge. Conductivity depends on the nu



wave interference

Interference is when two waves are coming towards each other and you want to determine what happens when the two waves meet. Interference occurs when waves in the same medium, meet at the same time, and at the same location. Superposition is when you add the two waves together to find out what happens to the amplitude at the point that they meet. A constructive interference is when the amplitude is higher (bigger) then the two initial waves. The destructive wave is when you add the two amplitud



Wave Equation

Like for everything else in physics there is an equation for waves. The equation is velocity= frequency times the wavelength. Velocity is determined by the medium (speed), which means that the medium determines how fast or slow the wave is. If frequency increases wavelength decreases, they have an inverse relationship. Meaning that if one goes up the other one goes down. Frequency is measured in hertz, velocity is measured in meters per second, and wavelength is measured in meters. If you were g




Lately in physics we have been talking about waves and the different types of waves. We learned about a transverse wave which are perpendicular to the direction of wave travel. Besides transverse waves we learned about a longitudinal wave which are parallel to the direction of wave travel. Another type of wave is a mechanical wave, for a mechanical wave to work it must have a medium. Sound is a type of mechanical waves they need a medium for them to work. Which is why in space you can not hear s




The force of a spring, the more you stretch or compress a spring the greater the force of the spring. Hooke's law tells us the force of a spring is equal to -kx. The K is the spring constant, the stiffness of the spring and the x is the displacement from equilibrium. We also learned what elastic potential energy is, which is the work done in stretching or compressing the spring. The equation of elastic potential energy is (1/2)kx^2. A spring with a spring constant of 4N/m is compressed by a forc



Ice Skating

We have been talking about the winter Olympics in physics the last few days and when I think of the Olympics the first thought that pops into my brain is brrr that's cold. The next thought is how I always admire the ice skaters and how they are able to turn so quickly in a certain amount of time. One of the units that we have learned in class is frequency, which is the number of revolutions completed in one second. When you watch a professional ice skater you think that they are doing one revolu



Science of Superman

In class Ms. Winchester showed us a scene from The Big Bang Theory and it talked about how Superman and many comic books are full of scientific errors. First of all men can not really fly, so that defies everything we have learned about gravity. However if men did fly they would not be able to catch a women falling out of a building without initially killing them. Say that a women is falling out of a building and she is accelerating at a certain amount and superman is flying even faster so that




Tis the season to be skiing, even though I hate winter and i do not ski myself physics is applied when you ski. When you look at skiing you can apply Newton's three laws the first law being an object in motion will stay in motion and object at rest will stay at rest until acted upon by an outside force. This is how a skier is able to go downhill without stopping, the gravity is what puts the skier in motion and the skier will not stop until an outside force acts upon it. That outside force could




In class we have been talking about power and how to calculate the power. Power is the rate at which work is done, the same amount of work can be done with different supplied if the time is different. If an 8 kg box is raised to a height of 2 meters in .5 seconds, what amount of power was supplied. To find the power we have to use to formula that we used in class which is work over time. To find work we must multiply the force times the displacement. We would multiply 8 kg, 9.81 m/s^2 and 2 mete



Weight lifting

In the last few week of physics we have been talking about work and energy and when it is applied. Work is the process of moving an object by applying a force, so if we are pushing someone and they end up falling in that direction then you are applying work to them. When I think of work and applying a force I think of a weight lifter and how much force they have to apply to the weights to be able to life them. If a weight lifter is lifting a 100 kg weight and their displacement is 2 meters the w



Every force has an opposite equal force

Newton's third law is for every force there is an equal opposite force and this law can be applied to many different sports, especially swimming. As a swimmer you have to go from one end of the pool to the other end of the pool multiple times and the way we get there is by applying Newton's third law. When we are swimming freestyle to go forward we place our hands in in front of us, however we are not pushing the water forward, we are pushing it behind us. When we push the water behind us that i



The physics of dancing

Just like in every other sport, you can apply physics to dancing. When we are jumping off the floor for a certain jump we are a.) using newton's third law b.) we are also using acceleration. To get ourselves off the ground we have to push off the floor, when we push down onto the floor the floor pushes back on us allowing us to leave the floor. When we are preparing to jump into the ground we have to run, we are applying acceleration to our bodies so that we are able to defy gravity's accelerati



Catapult Building

Our most recent project in physics, was the construction of a catapult. This project was not what I expected to be, it was hard but at the same time it was a lot of fun and it helped me to better understand projectile motions. When building the catapult, you have to take in the fact of angles and how having a smaller angle helps launch your catapult at a longer distance. Another key factor in building a catapult is the acceleration, the acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s^2 so it is important to



Physics in swimming

In swimming, physics is applied throughout the sport. For example the angle at which you place your hand into the water is physics. The way you flip turn and the placement of your feet is also another way that physics is applied to swimming. The placement of your arms is key in swimming and you have to place your angle correctly into the water to get the most benefit out of that stroke. If you place your arm to shallow you won't get enough pull in that stroke and you'll speed. If you swing your



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