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Describing the physics of the Halo Universe

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Captian america physics

In the recent installments in the captain America movies, we see the captain using his shield to knock out the Nazi's during Wii but how doesn't it kill them. as we have seen in the movies when he throws his shield hard, newton's third law states that the amount of force is equal to the thing it transfers its energy to. so as the captain throws hard, the shield should have enough force to decapitate the enemy. also when Peggy shoots cap's shield, it makes a large vibrating sound. this is because



Rise of the planet of the apes physics

for those who may have seen rise, you might have known of the famous scene when ceaser, an intelligent ape rises against his abusive care taker and says "NO!!!" and smacks out the care taker, but how is this done. well first he had to apply as much force and acceleration into the shock stick in order to knock him out . and when ceaser took him to an ape cage and freed his fellow apes the caretaker wakes up and tries to shock each of the apes, before ceaser sprays him with a hose, killing him. yo



Iron Man Physics

Throughout the Iron Man franchise, tony stark uses an arc reactor to stop shrapnel from piercing his heart, but how is this done. well to begin with, when yinsen attach a magnet tostark's chest to use the laws of manitism. by having the electromagnet facting the south side , it allowed the shrapnel to stop moving towards his heart and move still facing the magnet. even still when stark made an upgraded arc reactor and told pepper to help him fix it into his chest. when pepper removed the magnet



300 Physics

To those who have watched the movie, 300, little did viewers aware on how the Spartans deliver their epic moments throughout the film. the most known moment in 300 is when king Leonidas kicks the Persian messenger to a mysterious hole. to kick the messenger, the king would have applied so much potential energy into his foot and transferred his kinetic energy onto the Persian, resulting in him falling into the cavern. another moment in 300 is at the Hot Gates when the 300 Spartans pushed the Pers



Ryse Physics

In the new game Ryse:Son of Rome, Roman General, Marius Titus defends rome from Barbarion invaders through catapults and archers. But how do these weapons work? To start off, archers need the amount of power with their work and time to arm the bows and convert all their remaining potential energy to aim for the Barbarians. They then release all their energy out of kinetic energies to fire the arow to the Barbarian. The catapults have to do with launching their projectiles at the right angle to f



Lord of the Rings Physics

In the Famous film trilogy, the Lord of the Rings, specifically the last film Éowyn of Rohan fought the evil Witch King of Agmar by confronting both him and his Fell Beast. To kill Agmar's beast, Éowyn applied force with the weight of her sword and the speed sshe applies into the creatur's head, chopping it off. Then Agmar applies all his remainimg work and energy into his mace to accselerat it towards Éowyn and with enough force, destroys her shield. Agmar then chokes her almost to death until



Black Flag Physics

In the new video game, Assassin's Creed Black Flag, you pilot a pirate brige armed with cannons as it raids other ships across the carribean. To attack these ships you must have your projectiles alligned with a good 45 degree angle to have the cannon balls fire at their highest angle to evade the waves. Once a ship a boardable you crew gives off enough work with their amount of force and distance needed to throw their hooks to attach the two ships to board. Some Ships apply an increasing acceler



Physics in AVP

In the early movie of Alien vs Predator, it shows the head predator having hand to hand combat with one of the fearsom Xenomorph species, but how is he able to combat such a beast? Well, the predator wiould have to use as much work as possidle into moving these serpents into a stone collum. this would be apllied by using his amount of force done onto himself and the Xenomorph as well as the displacement the hunter pushes the serpent into the stone collum. Fast fowarding to te near end of the fi



The Hobbit Physics

The the new movie, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, a short segment in the film mention Bard the Bowman's ancestor, Girion failed to kill the dragon, Smaug with the Black Arows, but how? well for starters, Girion failed to properly allign the longbow to a good 45 degree angle so he can launch the projectile accuratly. also he needed to apply more force on the black arrows so that newton's third law may apply so that the amount of force Girion put into the arrows would have an equal amount on



Pirates Physics

Within the dawn of the 18th century, men and women of the Caribbean combated the greatest European empires like British Spanish and French using their need of cannon velocity and angled projectiles. pirates fires their cannons with a large angle of 45 degrees to make it more efficient to raid military vessels like Man o' wars. the cannons had a constant acceleration of 9.81 m/s2 for the cannons eventually fall to the earth's surface or to the military ship. by doing so these pirates gain bounty



Covenant Wraith Physics

Within the covenant Empire's great war-machines one holds the greatest effect on the battlefield, the wraith. it is armed with a mortar that fires with a highest degree angle of 45 degrees with a initial velocity of zero vertically to provide a large distance horizontally. the wraith 's horizontal velocity counts for how high the initial vertical velocity is to provide a killing blow on human forces. the covenant wraith is the most dangerous weapon in the covenant army for its killing accurate n



Assassins creed physics

All a cross history the assassin brotherhood have hunted the twisted templar order through many forms of assassinations. They rely on their acceleration and distance in order to proform a quick assassinations. One of their techniques is an air assassination which is made through their initial velocity and time in seconds to assassinate a templar. they leap of high places with a prabola shaped air assassinations. One of their most deadly tools of assassinations is the rope dart which uses force t



Covenant Physics

In the Halo Universe, the main foe in this Xbox game is the Covenant Empire, a Collection of alien species hellbent on humankinds destruction. They are equiped with supperheated plasma, which is like laser teachnology uised in physics. one species is the Sangheili. they are stronger as in combat, which their friction force is ten times faster than that of humans. they are equiped with advance ships that repell the force of the earth. these ships are equiped with slipspace jump, which increase th



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