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I'm a big fan of Lego. I wouldn't quite call myself an enthusiast, but I do enjoy a good build every once in a while. I remember when I was little I would always try to build these massive structures and would wonder why they would fall apart. Now I see that It's because of my awful engineering. I would create an immaculate creation with weak pivot points, allowing its natural torque to attack all of the little points I left unguarded, until eventually it would crumble. Or worse yet snap, sendin



Riding the Waves

Once when we lived in my old house, we had this nifty little blow-up pool. Basically, you inflate the top of the pool and fill it up so the air lifts up the sides of the pool. My mother always told me to stay away from the sides of the pool, but of course that’s exactly what I didn’t do. One summer me and some friends were all swimming in the pool together and I had the ingenious idea to lift myself up using the side of the pool. This wound up being a very bad idea. You see, as the side went dow



Batman Physics

I'm kinda a fan of super heroes, and one of my favorites is Batman. Not only is he an amazing detective, but he's the only powerless hero tough enough to be a founding member of the justice league, the most powerful collection of heroes in the DC universe. One of the things that makes him so great is his wide array of villains. There's one villain in particular who seems to defy the laws of physics, without having any real powers of his own. I'm talking about the immortal Ra's al Ghul. I say pow




There's another character in my book that has another interesting take on electric abilities. Her power is that she can produce both light and heat from within her body. This is a useful power for getting out of some sticky situations. When captured, she can heat herself up and melt through things like zip-ties or hand-cuffs. She can also light up dark areas when the team has to make a quick escape through some dark sewers. Although these powers don't sound very electric in origin, I assure you




Another cool character is one named Nichelle. Nichelle is sorta like a walking capacitor, but with more control. If she is near one of the other electric children, she can turn on her power, and start drawing it out of them. Apparently having the electricity forcibly drained out of you is kinda painful, because she has brought all the other kids to their knees in pain. This makes her very powerful, but only against the electric children, and she's not liked by any on either side and is tossed as



Static Scramble

Now I know what you're thinking, "Dude, is this another blog about Static Shock?" And the answer is no, it's not. This one is about a book, consisting of seventeen children with unique electricity based powers. The first I want to delve into is one I find rather interesting. One of the core main characters, Taylor, has a rather interesting ability. She can mess with bioelectricity. More specifically, she can stop the neural electrons for a moment. This creates a reaction similar to what is cause



Static Air?

Yup. He even electrifies the air, but only in special circumstances. After being captured in an airtight capsule, Static knew he only had a limited amount of time before he would pass out from lack of oxygen. His electric blasts were useless on the nonconducting glass, and he was running out of ideas, and air! That's when he had his brilliant idea. He could ionize the air. This would cause the particles to bounce around more, making the air expand. He continued this until the glass couldn't hand



Static Cling!

Sticking with our current hero, I'd like to go into one of his other abilities, namely his "static cling." This is also a power from early in the series after he caught his first bad guys. He needed to leave the crooks for the police but didn't want to have to wait around for them. His solution: stick them to the wall. He did this by creating a large amount of static electricity between their clothes and the huge metal warehouse wall. This held them there until the police could arrive, at which



Static Shock!

There's this show I used to watch as a kid called Static Shock, about this kid who almost got caught up in a gang war but instead get super powers (great premise, right?). His basic skill set revolves around his ability to manipulate electricity, which I thought was fitting considering our current unit, and I think I can get a couple blog posts out of it. Anyway, one of the most memorable uses of his powers is his flying disk. Early on in the series, Static has to make a quick getaway and sees a




In my last work entry(not splash though), I forgot to say how I blame physics for me getting wet. I know the pizza cutter could be involve, but that's more my fault. The real problem is all of our bowls and ladles. I don't know why or how, but all of our round dishes have the perfect curvature to completely soak me every time I spray them. It doesn't matter which way i face them or what angle I shoot from, somehow it always manages to soak me. I know the materials have little to know friction, e




This title might sound fun, but I can assure you it is not. If you are currently following my snapchat story, you know about the flattop debacle at work. For all you normal people, I'll give a quick recap. Today I had to clean the flat top grill at work. This is done by pouring on pickle juice vinegar on the grill and wiping it off with this brick thing. The trouble was that I had to clean all the corners, and our flattop has these little walls around the cooking area, I assume only for the purp




Godspeed - an expression of good wishes to a person starting a journey. But what is godspeed exactly? Why did this term come about? I'm assuming that it would originate with wishing someone a speedy journey, or a rapid completion of some task... much like this one... But I like to think that this phrase sort of evolved from people trying to one up each other in good wishes. Specifically I'm imagining two people trying to prove that they're the better man, with each response being more angry




Now I know you all think this is going to be me continuing on the same topic, but calculating the work. Well I'm not. This is a story, all about how, I acted like a physics nerd at work. So when I'm actually washing the dishes, I like to amuse myself with physics. Either that or blame it for me getting soaked. For entertainment purposes, I wash the pizza cutter. This brings my childlike mind joy because the water, traveling at a tangential velocity, strikes the blade, pushing it in the same dire



Cuz Im freeeee. Freefallllin.

Well, continuing on from my last blog, I wonder exactly how much it would hurt to fall that far. Lets find out! This would be an approximate 30 meter drop, plus the height gained from the initial liftoff, which is... still approximately 30 meters, looks like my pride is going down too look at that. Anyway, a thirty meter free-fall with a ten meter per second acceleration gets you to a velocity of 31.6 meters per second. So, if I were to be a complete and utter moron, I would simply stand straigh



I watch too many spy movies...

For this blog, I decided it would be fun to try and figure out if I could realistically jump from the roof of IHS to Dake. Typing that out I realize how stupid that sounds but I've already started so here goes. IHS is one storey taller than Dake, which is approximately 10 meters. The distance between them is about 12 meters, approximated by 17 paces to walk between the two. (I'll double check these figures best I can and come back with an edit soon.) The average person can run ten to fifteen mil



Relative Motion

So I work and this restaurant where we do this thing and cook food and then we give it to people and they eat it and enjoy it and stuff. So we have this one oven that is basically just a conveyor belt with a giant heater blasting down warmth to cook food. And I know it's blasting because the sound is almost deafening. And this thing is basically running constantly, to the point where you just get used to it and forget that it's on, like if you always hear traffic outside of your window, but only



Tic-Tac Trouble

I'm going to assume that you guys watch TV and have seen that Tic-Tac commercial. You know, the one where the Tic-Tac is a meteor they see through a telescope? Well for some reason, the physics of that commercial irks the snot out of me. First of all, we look through the telescope and see the Tic-Tac flying left across the screen. It is presumably in space, attaining a high enough velocity that the air resistance peels back a layer of coating. But then, it just hits the telescope right on



High Frequencies

So yesterday at BE, we were doing this thing to show our appreciation to the teams that make us breakfast every Saturday and met in a different room than usual. This meant that we had to set up with different sound equipment than we were used to. As we ate, the system was used for some background music, but then the playlist ran out and the board started acting up. It started to send a high pitched sound out through the speakers. Obviously, this sound was quite annoying, and I began to wonder wh




Now that I've reached the last blog for this quarter, I thought I'd take it full circle back to music. Specifically the drum set. Drums are known for being loud and helping other members in a band keep the beat of a song. This is due to how they are built. Let's talk specifically about the bass drum. This is the largest drum, seen on the bottom of the drum kit and normally played with a foot pedal. The reason that it's the biggest drum is so that it can make those loud, deep sounds. The foot ped



Freeqy Fyzx

I went to the RMSC recently and found some really cool stuff upstairs. One thing in particular that caught my eye was a water/strobe light display. The way it was set up, there was a window to look through and two dials. one to control the speed of the vibrating hose, and  the other to control the speed of the strobe light. When both were aligned just right, the water didn't appear to be moving at all. This was because the speed that the hose was vibrating was the same as the strobe light was bl



Super "Flight"

Since someone brought up superpowers, I thought i would talk bout one myself. One power which was actually granted to many heroes after their initial creation is super flight. From Superman to Thor, comic writers had many other ways to make it seem as though the heroes were flying across the sky, while still limiting their power. Originally Superman was not able to fly, but was "faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound." That's



Doughnut Van

Every Saturday, my family and I go to a children's ministry in the city called Bethel Express. I help whenever I'm needed, but my parents do a lot, which at one point included driving a sixteen passenger van around the city to pick up a ton of kids. One winter, my dad decides it would be fun to take this van full of kids and start driving in circles on the empty(thankfully) and icy parking lot. Driving in this motion caused the van to start sliding on the snow and we started doing doughnuts in t



Family "Trips"

This next post happened a little while ago, but I'm bringing it up now because it's kinda funny. My aunt was at the pet store with my mom, and as she was walking around the store, she suddenly lost her balance. This was due to the fact that she had stepped on a goldfish. Now goldfish, along with most other fish, are notoriously wet and slippery. This is due to the lack of friction between them and other surfaces because of the layers of water and whatever else they're covered in. This lack of fr



There It Goes Again!

Continuing on with my family and wheels falling off of vehicles, I turn to a tale told to me by my mother not too many moons ago. It begins with her, driving in her car. I don't recall many of the details, but she was on the expressway, or was it the parkway? I'm going to go with driveway. So my mom was doing about 65 on the driveway when all of a sudden out of the corner of her eye she spotted it (Shia LaBouf) (this is completely off topic and has nothing to do with the story but if you get the



Me + Bikes = Bad Luck

Last year, as many of you may recall, we took some big tests in the gym that took up a bunch of time in the morning. Preceding one of said tests, I was at home, running late for school. In my defense, my mother (who normally drove me to school) had just departed for Greece with my sister and not me even though the initial plan was for me to go and I am definitely not bitter or anything, but I digress. Anyway, I was running late for the English exam and hopped on my handy-dandy bike to pedal my w



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