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Squats Baby!!!!



Everyone seems to skip leg day, not me!!! Leg day is by far my favorite, especially back squats (I can back squat 365lbs ladies :devil:). While the back squat is a simple movement, it requires tremendous power in your legs. To perform a back squat you must place the bar on the back of your shoulders, lower your hips down bellow parallel and bounce out of the bottom of the squat . Once you bounce you will reach a spot in the lift where you will have to push down on the ground in order to push yourself and the bar up. The back squat involves a lot of momentum and a very big impulse. The impulse occurs during the bounce at the bottom and without a large enough impulse you will fail the lift. Don't skip leg homies, leg day is the best day. 

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Back squats are my fave as well... but 405.  :ass:    Still amazed, though, even for a movement that looks so simple and like it just requires raw power -- just how much technique plays a role in hitting that personal high lift.  I was capped in the 360 range until I adjusted my foot position and hand position just a tiny bit, then all of a sudden 400 was in reach.  Applying the force at just the right spot to maximize your efforts is SOOOO important!

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