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Eardrum vs Sound



Believe it or not, sounds are one of the most common and dangerous hazards a person may face on any given day. Generally, we measure how "loud" a sound can be in decibels (dB). By definition, a decibel is " a unit used to measure the intensity of a sound or the power level of an electrical signal..." (Google Search). We will be discussing decibels in regard to "intensity of a sound."

If you enjoy listening to music loudly, I am sure that somebody at some point has said that your music is too loud, and it could damage your ears. Well, they are not wrong; according to http://dangerousdecibels.org/education/information-center/noise-induced-hearing-loss/, it is possible to experience damage to your ears while listening to your music through earphones for only fifteen minutes a day. This damage is caused by music at about 100 dB. Furthermore, sitting front row at a concert of your favorite band will likely produce a sound intensity of around 110 dB. At this intensity, damage to your ears will be caused a lot more quickly but, you will not feel the damage or pain while it is happening. The intensity of which you would be experiencing pain in your ears is at 130 dB, which is close to what a concert sounds like. And lastly, the intensity of which that will rupture your eardrums is at 160 dB. Bursting eardrums... I don't like the sound of that (pun).

If you would like to look at some more physics on this topic, look at: https://metinmediamath.wordpress.com/2013/11/13/intensity-or-how-much-power-will-burst-your-eardrums/


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