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  1. One of my dreams in life is to ride a dolphin at somewhere like seaworld or somewhere in Florida. But, how much power does a dolphin have? Power is really easy to calculate. But first you need to calculate the work done by the dolphin using the equation W=Fd. The force would be the weight of the dolphin multiplied by gravity (9.81m/s^2) and the distance would be exactly that, how far the dolphin would be swimming. Once you have calculated that, you can use the in the power equation which is P=W/t. The t being the time it took from the dolphin to get from it's initial point to its end point. This would be how much power the dolphin has alone. What if you wanted to calculate the power the dolphin had with you on it's back? Then you would add your weight plus the dolphins weight and then multiply it by gravity and use the equation for work to find out the work done. And then plug that into the power equation again. And then you would know how much power you and a dolphin would have together.
  2. When there's a good sale going on, you need to move fast. How fast you ask? Well that would be easy to find out. You would need to know a few things before you could find out your acceleration though. If you rearrange the equation: Vf=Vi+at to A=Vf-Vi/t you could calculate the acceleration. You would need to know your final velocity and your initial velocity. Then, you would also have to know the time it took for you to get from your initial point, to your final point. When plugging all of those in, you would know your acceleration measured in m/s^2
  3. There is a lot of physics in the xgames. In my favorite event, the freestyle snowmobiling has a lot of physics involved. When a snowmobiler is doing a flip in the air, have you ever wondered how fast they're going? Well, you can calculate their centripetal acceleration. Using the equation Ac= v^2/r. First you need to find out the radius of the spin. That would be hard to calculate an exact radius, but you can find an approximate radius probably using the a meter stick. Then to find a velocity it's distance over time. So calculate how far the mobiler is going from start to end, and how long it takes him. From there you can plug into the whole equation, and find out the centripetal acceleration of a snowmobiler in the xgames.
  4. Skiing has a lot of physics involved in it. For example, the approximate coefficient of friction for waxed skis on snow is on the front of the reference table. Using the equation Ff=(coefficient of friction)Fn Using this equation, you can find the force of friction. All you need to know is the normal force and the coefficient of friction which is on the front of your reference table. To calculate the normal force you need to multiply the mass of the skier by gravity (9.81m/s^2). After calculating all of that, you'll find the frictional force of the skier.
  5. As you may know, getting out of bed in the morning is a lot of work, especially if you're not a morning person. How much work you ask? Well lets calculate it. The equation for work is W=Fd. So if you calculate your weight and multiply that by gravity, 9.81m/s^2, you'll get your force in newtons. After that, you need to find out your distance/displacement. You could measure the distance from your bed to next to your bed or from your bed to the point that you first go when you wake up in the morning. Upon doing so, you will be able to find the approximate work it takes for you to get out of bed in the morning.
  6. Physics connects to everything in life, meaning physics connects to me playing with my cat Molly with a laser. When Molly isn't playing, she is at rest, but when the laser is being used she goes from rest to an increased acceleration. If I measured the distance she traveled, and the time it took, I could easily find out her average acceleration. Molly is a young and playful cat so I'm sure she would have a high acceleration.
  7. For this lab we had to record the speed of the cars in front of the high school in a thirty meter distance. The speed limit is 35 mph, or 15.6 m/s. To complete this lab we measured out 30 meters and had someone at the start and finish of it, and the first person would raise their hand when a car came and the person at the end would time it from that point until it reached them at the end of the 30 meters. Then we would record the time. We did this ten times. 1. V= d/t V=30m/2.36s V=12.7m/s 2. V=d/t V=30m/1.92s V=15.6m/s 3. V=d/t V= 30m/2.67s V= 11.23m/s 4. V=d/t V= 30m/1.84s V= 16.3m/s 5. V=d/t V=30m/2.06s V=14.6m/s 6. V=d/t V=30m/2.53s V= 11.9m/s 7. V=d/t V=30m/3.02s V= 9.93m/s 8. V=d/t V=30m/2.29s V=13.1m/s 9. V=d/t V=30m/2.23s V= 13.5m/s 10. V=d/t W=30m/2.28 V=13.2m/s The average speed of all ten vehicles is 13.2m/s. From this lab our group learned that the cars are going at a limit under the speed limit except the second car was going the exact speed limit. We also learned that the spot we were located wasn’t a good spot because there were two stop lights right near us as well as a police car near us. That would make people go the speed limit and under so they don’t get pulled over. Next time if we were to do redo this lab we would find a better spot where there aren’t any stop lights and where there wasn’t a police officer. I don’t think we could properly answer the question of “is there a speeding problem on Cooper Road” because there were too many discrepancies. From our data though, there is no speeding issue because only one person out of the ten was going over the speed limit. People don’t usually speed as much in front of schools because that’s dangerous and there were kids down by the road. In short, I don’t think Cooper Road has a speeding issue.
  8. It's cool how physics really connects to our lives
  9. Maybe we can be lab partners!
  10. hann129


    Hi, my name is Hannah, I'm seventeen and it's my senior year in high school. I don't really know what I want to do with my future, but I don't think it has to do with physics. I really like cats and animals in general. My favorite season is fall because I like when the leave change colors and I love apple cider. I chose to take physics because it interested me and I knew if I didn't take regents it would be too difficult for me, so that's why I'm in this class. I also knew it would look good to colleges if I took a science senior year since it's not required.
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