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    During the winter time some people like to take advantage of the snow on the ground. I'm not one of those people but there is still physics involved in this activity. When a person is stopped at the top of the hill they have a very high potential energy. They are sitting there waiting to move but they are not yet in motion. As they slide down the hill they have a very high potential energy because they are in motion. To find their exact kinetic energy a person could use the equation KE=1/2mvâ—˜

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    Last Tuesday marked the first day of Physics C. After a long summer vacation and countless times emailing my counselor to either add or drop Physics C, I finally made up my mind to officially take Physics C. But before I get ahead of myself I want to let you know about my interests. I've been cheerleading all my life and I played softball for 8 years. I love watching Space Documentaries and even though science was never my strongest subject I thought it was always interesting so I decided to challenge myself. I'm aspiring to become an architect and hope to be attending Hampton University next fall. I've always been interested in engineering and how/why things work. I've decided to take Physics C because I enjoyed AP Physics 1 and this is the only science that I can apply to everyday life. After taking Physics 1 most of my conversations became Physics based so why not take Physics C. Plus Chemistry and Biology isn't really my thing. I hope to solidify what I learned last year but also expand my knowledge. I'm excited to challenge myself and learn how efficiently do all the work I need to do. However, I'm somewhat anxious for the work load and if I fall behind the class will crush me. But whatever the case may be I bet this will be the best class I have ever taken.


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    Physics is involved in our everyday lives, whether we like it or not. One of the things that we do on a daily basis is drive- there's lots of physics in driving! Ever think about why the gas/break petals push back up after you step on them? That's because when you push on the breaks, the break petal pushes back onto you. To get more in depth, Newton's 3rd law applies to driving because when you drive, the action force is pushing against the road and the reaction of the road is pushing against the tires. Also when a car hits a person (let's hope this doesn't happen), the person hits the car. To sum this all up, when you put energy and force into an object, energy and force comes back to you.

  1. Blog smithr7

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    Complete Electricity and Magnetism Review

    Reviews + Quizzes + Exams




    Are you disappointed with your last E/M Review purchase? Was it incomplete and/or misleading by giving the wrong answers? Well look no further, as you have stumbled upon an intuitive and complete review of the physics involved with electricity and magnetism.This app will improve your understanding over Calculus-Based and Fundamentals of PHYSICS: Electricity and Magnetism.Whether you are a college student seeking help throughout the semester or a graduate preparing for a tough exam, this is the app for you.The in-depth review will quickly grab your attention with general principles, important concepts, equations, and real world applications.

    After the review, quiz yourself on each topic with many multiple choice questions.

    Standardized Scoring coming soon...- 2 - University Exams are available for additional testing - Keys are posted to check your answers.

    Final exam coming soon...All Topics Covered:

    -Electric Charges and Forces

    -The Electric Field

    -Gauss's Law

    -The Electric Potential

    -Potential and Field

    -Current and Resistance

    -Fundamentals of Circuits - DC circuits

    -The Magnetic Field

    -Electromagnetic Induction

    -Electromagnetic Fields and Waves

    -AC Circuits

  2. Blog challengerguy

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    An object at rest will stay at rest.... unless acted upon by another force.

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    The blog "amandarocks27" on 3/8/14 posted about how her baby niece has plenty of toys that she will be able to cart around in a wagon once she's older. "amandarocks27" explained how she would figure out the amount of work her niece would have to exert on the wagon to make it move.

    The post shows how physics can be used in real life!

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    When I heard the word "physics" for the first time, I had no clue what it was. I didn't know if it was just another type of science that I would be bored with. But, I slowly learned that physics is everything in the universe. You can literally figure out why things do what they do. From throwing a football all they way to electricity, physics covers it all. Physics is truely life. It practically explains the universe.

  3. Blog WoWAngela

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    This is a story about my work and physics.

    I am not telling you where I work, but I just know I am a busser, and I am very good at it. So a few of the people I work with know I love science and math and physics. One of them actually majored in science so we discuss it a lot. I'll call them S. So S was carrying a tray at just the right position where it was almost straight up and down. (Perpendicular to the floor) Someone asked how the heck he can do that and I answered saying that it was static friction and that since the forces on the plate were just so, the plate would not move unless he tilted his hand more. Which he did and it fell and everyone told me I was smart. 

    More will probably come because I work with some really cool people who like to talk about physics with me. 


  4. Blog xcrunner92

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    [TD][TABLE="width: 100%"]


    [TD]Speeds of Cars on Cooper Road









    [TD][TABLE="width: 100%"]









    Are Cars Speeding on Cooper Road?

    Ray, Ben, Julia, Madison, Damian

    For our speeding lab, we had to determine if the cars driving north on Cooper Road were speeding or not. We were given a measuring tape and a stopwatch and were left to figure the rest out on our own. We had to describe the kind of car and have at least two sets of data for each car.

    First we figured out that there are 15.6 m/s in 35 miles per hour so that we would have a baseline for our calculations. To determine a cars speed on Cooper Road, we extended the measuring tape 15.6 meters and timed how long it took for the car’s front wheels to go from the start of the measuring tape to the end of the measuring tape. We recorded the data for ten cars and wrote a brief description of each car so that we could compare our results with Mr. Fullerton’s radar gun.

    After recording the speeds of the cars on Cooper Road we went to are data and compared it to what was recorded with the radar gun. Overall are data was not that off what the radar gun recorded however what data that was off was usually lower then what the radar gun got. In reflecting on this lab we could have had more people timing the cars which would have resulted in more accurate averages. With the timing there could have been someone standing at the beginning of the measuring tape saying “GO” so that the timing would begin at the same time and “stop” once the car got to the end of the measuring tape. Another way we could improve this lab would be through having Mr. Fullerton at the same spot as us recording the cars speed because some cars continue to accelerate as they continue. A final problem we had was that are timing system was very close to the traffic light so not all the cars we recorded were at full speed by the time they reached us.

    Are results concluded that there is not a speeding problem on Cooper Road. Our data showed that the average speed between 10 cars going north on Cooper Road was 34.902 km/hr which is below the speed limit of 56.3 km/hr. which is equivalent to 35 mph. We had no one over the speed limit or even very close to it which was a positive conclusion from the data. So no we concluded that there is not a speeding problem on Cooper Rd. if there is anything there is a problem of cars going too slow.

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    A couple of days prior to this post I was at a friends house which I had rode to on my bike, however during the time that I was at my friends place it had started to rain. During my ride home I reached a fairly tall and steep, due to the slicked rode I sped up and was unable to control it very well. I was able to control it enough to not land head first on the concrete however I did land head first into a bush. Soon after that we had a lesson and corresponding video on friction which helped show as to why I wiped out hilariously. Because of the water the friction between the bike tires and the ground decreased leading to a much more slick situation. maybe next time I will just call for a ride

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    In honors physics, we are working on the current electricity chapter and have started VIRP tables. At first the tables seemed complicated and confusing, but after much practice they have become fun math puzzles.

    This link was very helpful to understanding VIRP tables. It was clear and straightforward:


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    The question is this:

    A hiker sets out on a trek heading (N35degreesE) at a place of 5.0 km/h for 48.0 mins. He then heads west at 4.5 km/h for 40.0 min. Finally, he heads (N30degreesW) for 6.0 km, until he reaches a campground 1.5 hours later.

    A) Find his total displacement using vector components.

    SO, i used Ax = 4.0 cos 35degrees = 3.27

    Ay = 4.0 sin 35degrees = 2.29

    Then I looked at the answers and it said I should have used the angle 55 degree angle instead of the 35. How do I figure out when to use which angle?

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    (I do not own this video and give full rights to the creator)

    As this is my first blog post, and I have no idea what to write about, I choose something that I quite enjoyed doing. When charged with the task of building a Rube Goldberg Machine, I was more than slightly overwhelmed. Thank heavens for my best friend partnered with me, and together we made an amazing design. Quickly we realized that we would have to do most of the planning on the fly as what we planned didn't seem to be going that well. To get ideas, we watched countless videos and tried hundreds of times to get every exchange in our machine to work perfectly. This is probably the best video we watched as it had a fun and contemporary applicaiton. Thus far, this is the most fun thing we have done in my physics class and probaly one of the most informational as people learn best through experience and exploration; for my lab partner and I, we learned through much trial and error.

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    Short Biography

    Cranston was born with glasses on his face. These glasses grow simultaneously with him. He is a Nobel Prize recipient for Physics and is actually Newton's great great great great grandson. The resemblance is uncanny. He is pleased to present the first episode of his multi-faceted series.

    Newton's First law: An object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force. (Stay tuned for outside force...)

    Static Equillibrium: The forces acting upon Cranston (Normal force and the force of gravity) are equal. Therefore, he remains motionless.download?fid=Inbox&mid=1_185416_AA63iGIAAFOBTN1NwAN7Pi79Bkw&pid=2&tnef=&YY=1289571912089&newid=1&clean=0&inline=1

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