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  1. while bored many of us tend to listen to music, but we often don't realize how lucky we are not to have to deal with electromagnetic interference because of the newly incorporated technology such as wi-fi and error correcting systems. going back to older radios such as the analogue, many of these would have problems receiving the correct signal as there were a lot and they could not distinguish the in-band unwanted from the intended; thus, many times radio stations were disrupted or hard to dial in on.

  2. In physics there is gravitational force all around with all objects. Gxm1xm2/r squared. Gravitational force is thanked by the orbits in outsides. Without it we would be non-existing. It's so cool how the moon and earth go around the sun without any problems and give us the seasons!

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    Shooting the ball in lacrosse requires physics. When the ball is shot, it initially starts at rest and increases in velocity very quickly. When i shoot the ball it goes so fast that no one can see it and i always score. Because of the force behind the ball, it breaks the lacrosse net usually. sometimes after going through the net it hits a person. The speed of the ball is so high that it knocks most people over. The net does create some resitance along with the air so no one usually dies. They only break a bone or two.

  3. Slinky's can perfectly represent the concepts of basic waves. First, if one person yanks the slinky to the left then quickly back once, a pulse is created. If they do this repeatedly, a wave is created. By making bigger waves, the amplitude will increase and by making faster waves, the frequency increases. If the person at the other end of the slinky decided to create waves as well, interference occurs where the two waves meet. If the waves are produced on the same side of the slinky, constructive interference will occur, creating a bigger amplitude where they meet. But if the waves are produced on opposite sides of the slinky, destructive interference occurs where displacements negate each other. By performing different experiments on slinky's, we can observe how waves work by manipulating their characteristics, observing physics in real life.

  4. The shift in a wave's observed frequency is due to the relative motion between the source of the wave and an observer. As a car beeps its horn while traveling, it has a constant frequency and as the velocity increases, the sound waves from the observer have lower amplitudes and are less frequent. This is known as the Doppler effect. As sound waves come toward the observer they have higher frequencies than the sound waves moving away from the observer. Not only does frequency help explain the Doppler effect but it also explains how the police are able to find the speed of cars on a highway. A radar gun can be used to determine the speed of a car by measuring the different frequencies between emitted and reflected radar waves!

  5. Last time I talked about Netwon's 3rd Law, and how it is similar to offense in basektball. I said that "Newton believed that every action had an equal and opposite reaction, meaning that all forces come in pairs. If object 1 exerts a force on object 2, then object 2 must exert a force back on object 1 which is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction." To be good at defense in Basketball, it would be great to follow a similar concept. On defense your goal when matched up to a player on 1 on 1 defense your goal is to shut down 1 player and make sure they can not make an impact on the game. You want your defensive assignment to score as little as possible or better, not at all. Follow your player like a shadow. whatever he does, you follow that, so if he drives to the basket left, backpedal, and try to stay in front of him. direct him with your defense. If your playing a little bit off of him, stand between him and the ball, this is called being in hte gap, if you play it correctly, you should always be aware of the ball and the man. You are vulnerable to a back cut, if you dont watch your man carefully. If you correctly know where the ball and your man is, you are always in a good position to steal the ball off a pass. The 3rd Law idea also helps hear, as you have to shadow the offensive player your gaurding, mirror his movemnts so you can always stay in the gap, and you can always be in the position to steal the ball. Your goal should be to never let your assignment even touch the ball. No scorer can score without the ball, and that is something to remeber. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< In this clip, Kobe cuts, and recieves the ball for an easy two points, the defender didn't have a good enough position to either stop Kobe, or steal the ball, and this is exactly what you do not want to happen as a defensive player.

  6. Reflection is the change in direction of a wave front at an interface between two different mediums so that the wave front returns into the medium in which it originated. Common examples of this include the reflection of light, sound and water waves. In acoustics, reflection causes echoes. This is why when you go to a school concert, there are those white barriers behind the performers. They are there to reflect the sound from coming from the instruments to the crowd. Acoustics also play an important role in understanding how waves behave because the angle in which the waves hit the acoustics walls, the angle remains the same as it bounces off the acoustics barrier.

  7. jackbowes10
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    Car collisions happen everyday all over the world just like how physics is used every single day all over the world. Physics has a big part in accidents involving vehicles due to the force, momentum, acceleration and collision that occurs. The force which cars are brought upon each other depends on how great the acceleration is of the moving vehicle. The faster the car is moving, the greater the force will be as it hits the other car. The amount of force that accidents are caused by are largely dependent on Newton's laws. Objects in motion will stay in motion, therefore when a car is moving towards the other and crashes into it, it's because while the vehicle is moving at a high speed it's hard to come to a complete stop before the collision into the other.

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    I'll be honest: I'm not a prima ballerina. I'm terrible at balancing while en pointe. (For those of you who aren't familiar with ballet, "en pointe" means when I'm standing on the tips of my toes while in pointe shoes.) My teacher always tells me, "Put all your weight on your big toe!" And here's why:

    To stay balanced en pointe, a dancer's center of gravity must be directly above the contact point with the floor. This is called static balance. The net force is zero while torque is also zero. The net force is zero when the force of gravity equals the force of the dancer pushing off the floor. (It gets painful after an hour, trust me.) The net torque is zero when the net force points through the dancer's center of gravity.

    After months of pointe training. I've mastered balancing while standing still. However, I have yet to master balancing while turning. The key to good turning is making sure your rotational axis doesn't wobble. Even if you're spotting, a rotational axis is hard to see. (You can't see it!!) We've learned that in order to stand en pointe, a dancer must maintain static balance. Unfortunately, it's impossible to turn while maintaining static balance. While turning, a dancer must shift her/his center of gravity constantly, which is maintaining dynamic balance. The contact with the floor always stays focused, but the center of gravity must move in a circular pattern, much like a cone shape.

    Wish me luck on mastering my turns!!

  8. Driving involves a plethora of physics knowledge if you want to be not a good driver, but a great one. There are a lot of ways to be able to calculate the time it takes for a car going X miles per hour for X meters to stop. V=D/T is one equation that you could use to solve a problem like this, and knowing how to do this helps you know when to start to break or when to at least slow down. You'll never know how many meters your going but having knowledge like this always helps. This is all very important because being able to have knowledge of this is better than just guessing.

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    Like a sound wave, the waves produced by drums are longitudinal. The vibration produced when a drum is hit creates pressure waves in the air. These pressure waves describe the sound. The more the drum head bends, the volume of sound increases, a higher frequency is created and the amplitude if affected. Pitches of drums range from low frequency basses to high frequency pitches. Like a speaker which amplifies sound through the air, noise from the drums travel to our ears because of the sound vibrations and type of waves. When the vibrating drum vibrates the air molecules around it, it does so at the same frequency to produce a beautiful sound.

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  9. FaithDemo06
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    Ah yes, my favorite type of waves. Wi-Fi. Its a beautiful thing, these modulated electromagnetic waves allow you to stream movies and gain access to the internet with out being plugged in. Once only a coffee shop novelty, it can now be found in every house across the country. But how does it work? Wi-Fi can cover as much as an entire school, or building, depending on the frequency of course. Wi-Fi is a type of wave that can penetrate walls and ceilings, as well as cross rivers and high traffic areas. The Wi-Fi signal is composed of large numbers of different frequencies in order to reject noise in any of them. Also certain materials can make it harder for wi-fi to travel, and also other waves (this is the reason for channel settings) can interfere with Wi-fi too.

  10. marisam96
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    blog-0357398001390792288.jpgThis blog post is going to be slightly different than other posts. Most have to do with activities that people do but for this blog post, I wanted to connect physics not with an activity that I, or someone I know, do but with a class I take. More likely than I would like to admit, taking physics has allowed me to better understand my AP calc class. We frequently do problems that have to do with finding the speed/velocity of an object, then the acceleration, or the derivative of the speed/velocity, However, occasionally in calculus, we are giving the problem, but not an equation to plug the problem into. Thanks to physics, I have been able to know how to tackle a calc problem because of what I have learned in physics. I know that a=v/t and v=d/t and typically, enough of those values are given to me so that I can finish the problem. Also, we have learned about Newton's method in calc, which was just crazy weird because as we were discuss Newton's laws in physics, the same guy's method popped up the class right before. So while most people can find the physics in their sport of choosing, I can say that I have seen physics reappear in my Calculus homework.
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  11. Recently we learned about resonance, which by definition is "the tendency of a system to oscillate with greater amplitude at some frequencies than at others." This is one of the many examples of physics found within the guitar. Tuning a guitar is an example of resonance. The string's vibrations create sound waves with different frequencies. Also, when you plug in your electric guitar to the amp, you are actually making use of a physics skill! You are making a speaker. The amplifier projects the sound waves which leads to louder sound. However, these sound waves might sound a little muffled to your mom who has on earplugs. You can change the bass and the treble which alter the way your eardrums detect the sound waves. As opposed to acoustic guitars, electric guitars are electrical, so they require circuits, current, and an electrical source.

  12. There are tons of physics in catching a pass, rather that pass being from the real sports football basketball or maybe a sport like baseball. A lot of the physics actually comes from the pass. For example tracking where the trajectory of the ball is being place along with the force that was put on the ball in order to make it move sense we know if a force wasn’t put on it then it would never be moving in the first place. The acceleration of the ball basically right when it reaches your hand must reach 0m/s2 or the force of the ball will end up having you not showcase your ability to catch the ball. Typically when you are about to catch something you bend your hands in a glove like shape, this is because the greater the area of a place for the ball to land the less the force of the pass.

  13. We all know that gravity is the reason for things falling but nobody really knows why. We do know how to find and calculate gravity which helps us understand it better. Newtons law of universal gravitation helps to understand a little more of how gravity works. It states that any two things with mass have a gravitational force between them. The more mass and the closer they are means the more gravity they have. So all of us are pulling on everything with mass all the time but our masses are so small compared to the mass of the earth that it does not have an effect. The Law of Universal Gravitation does not just apply to objects on earth but the entire universe thats why its called universal. Using this law we can discover the gravitational force on any planet that we know the mass of before we even go there.

  14. Everyone knows the blue, padded gym walls. If someone was to offer you 10 dollars to punch one as hard as you could, there are at least 5 of you out there who would take it. Well, had i known the physics of a punch, I wouldn't have ended up with a broken pinky. If you're going to punch a blue wall in the gym, keep this in mind. The longer the punch connects with the wall, the smaller the force was. This makes sense logically,, if i hit something hard my hand will bounce back from the collision. If I just Touch it, the collision is a lot less forceful and far less damaging.

    Airbags rely on this fact as well. Newton's first law accounts for inertia, and in a car accident, inertia might throw you through a windshield. Airbags deploy and you fall into them, keeping contact for much longer than you would have if you smashed into the steering wheel. This weakens the blow, and therefore the damage that the force will have

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    Physics is involved in our everyday lives, whether we like it or not. One of the things that we do on a daily basis is drive- there's lots of physics in driving! Ever think about why the gas/break petals push back up after you step on them? That's because when you push on the breaks, the break petal pushes back onto you. To get more in depth, Newton's 3rd law applies to driving because when you drive, the action force is pushing against the road and the reaction of the road is pushing against the tires. Also when a car hits a person (let's hope this doesn't happen), the person hits the car. To sum this all up, when you put energy and force into an object, energy and force comes back to you.

  16. AliciaDAnnunzio
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    blog-0608441001397095867.jpgTibetan singing bowls are similar to humming crystal glasses. A mallet is used to vibrate the metal bowl by sliding along the edge in a circular motion. This creates a standing wave. The bowl acts as a resonating chamber, each edges' wave reflects off of the opposite side; which gives it it's unique sound. If the person controlling the vibrations does it gently enough and at the correct speed, the frequency remains constant while the amplitude will most likely increase. An increase in the speed of these pulses can create an increase in frequency and vise-versa. A difference in the medium, such as having a different size or kind of metal, can also affect the pitch of its hum. This is how Tibetan singing bowls work.
  17. cyan1's Blog

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    watch the ISS cross the sky. Get emails for when, where and for how long! Go to: http://spotthestation.nasa.gov/

  18. Physics class is so interesting and attention grabbing to me. I enjoy physics class but only when I can totally understand what we're doing and what's going on. Right now we're working on circuits and electricity which I find really easy and fun. I like putting together circuits and seeing if they work or not. I like series circuits more than parallel circuits because it's easier to fill out the V IRP table than it is to fill out the table for a parallel circuit. Physics has been going fairly OK for me so far during the third quarter. I really tremendously appreciate the fact that Mr.Fullerton let us students make up the videos we'd missed over these past couple of weeks because I was behind on them but I'm all caught up now. I plan on doing really well on our next "celebration of learning" this week so that my grade can go up even higher. I plan on seeking extra help as well so that I can do my total best on each and every exam we have from now on, including the final exam :)

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    In honors physics, we are working on the current electricity chapter and have started VIRP tables. At first the tables seemed complicated and confusing, but after much practice they have become fun math puzzles.

    This link was very helpful to understanding VIRP tables. It was clear and straightforward:


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