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Is yawning really contagious?

There has been a firm belief throughout my life that yawning is contagious, meaning that if you were to see someone yawn, it would then cause you to yawn as well. This is in fact true. Despite many believing it was only a myth, yawning is contagious. Yawning itself is your bodys way of telling you that you need more oxygen. It does not in fact have to do with being tired although it is associated with it. You could be wide awake and yawn just because you need more oxygen. the common belief behi



Wile E. Coyote

As a kid I used to love watching Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner! When ever he chased the Road Runner and happened to run off a cliff, he would stay there for a few seconds, look at the audiance with a petrified stare, and then finally fall. To a six year old this all made perfect sense, but now, understanding the laws of physics, it would be impossible for him to not fall immediately. When an object falls from any height gravity takes over forcing the object to go down. Following the laws



What could possibly be inside of a black hole?

There are many theories as to what could be inside a black hole. Although there is no official evidence, some theories seem plausible and could change everything we know about our universe. One major theory is that inside every black hole is a universe. Meaning that our entire universe is within a supermassive black hole, which is then within a parent universe. Some of the unsolved questions that correspond with the big bang have been answered with the black hole theory. There are two central th



Do cats see in color?

There has often been the question of wether cats see in color or not. Many believe, simply from myths they hear as children, that cats only see in black and white. This statement is in fact not true. Similarly to humans, cats have rods and cones in the back of their eyes, rods for seeing black, white, and grey, and cones for seeing colors. So based solely on the biological aspect of the cats eyes, they should be able to see color. It is their perception of color that is different from humans. I



Do cats always land on their feet???

I have always wondered to myself if cats ALWAYS land on their feet and if so, how they do it? By watching the video below, I have found the answers to my question. The process in which cats go through to land on their feet is amazing. Their "aerial righting reflex" is an instinctive trait within cats that becomes prominent after 7 weeks of age. The righting process begins with the cat's eyes and ears. Using their eyes and ears, the cat finds where the ground is. After, it bends the front



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