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Physics of water skiing

Water skiing involves many different components of physics. The fundamentals of it are based mainly on angles and gravity. When you are trying to get up, you have to make sure you keep your ski at a certain angle so that the water pushes down on the ski, creating a downward force that enables you to stand up. Once the force of the water pushing up on the ski is equal to the force of gravity pulling down on the ski, you are able to stay on top of the water. Tension is also involved in water skii



physics of ripples

have you ever thrown a rock into a pond and wondered why the water moves in that ripple pattern? well i have, so i decided to figure out what makes that happen. i found that when you throw the rock into the still water, it creates a disturbance. this disturbance transfers energy and momentum into the water pushing it and making it ripple; its called a wave. the ripples in the water are a transverse wave. the particles in the water move in a direction perpendicular to the direction the wave is mo



Physics of Lacrosse

While i was at lacrosse i was wondering, how do players get the ball to move out of their stick so fast? After practice I decided to look further into my question. By applying different topics that i learned in physics class, i was able to find an answer. there are many factors involved in throwing a lacrosse ball, one of them being momentum. when throwing a lacrosse ball, you pull on the bottom of the stick and push on the top end while stepping at the same time. the momentum from your arms



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