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Homework and Rants!

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Physics of Pokemon

We all knew this would come eventually, from a person like myself. Personally, I love pokemon videogames- they're fun, entertaining, and you can do so many different things in them. Much better that the televisions shows, for sure. While I was pondering how to tie in my nerdy-ness into a physics post, I came up with this. Hopefully it's not too terrible So, to begin, let us dive into the game itself-- literally. Within this "small" (by the standards when it was first made, at least) pok



Physics of Playing a Trumpet

Through out my years as a trumpeter, I have fallen in love with my instrument. I really never gave much though as to why, or how, it plays the notes that it does. Now, with my knowledge of physics, it all makes perfect sense. The trumpet is a precise instrument; one dent, clog, or hole could ruin the beautiful sound that may come out of it. The trumpet is made up of multiple parts, each critical to its performance: When first learning to play the trumpet, the hardest part is learning how



Physics of a Valiant Death

My childhood, like many others, was spent watching many Disney Movies. One of my all time favorites was the Lion King- I never grew tired of it. One scene that always sticks in my mind is that once music number of young Simba and Nala and, of course, the scene of Mufasa's Death. (0:49-1:20) It can usually bring tears to even the toughest of teens, yes? As a child, this scene really never bothered me and, now, this sad scene seems to bother me so much more. Mufasa died a heroic, and u



Physics of Archery

Most of us have, at some point, shot an arrow at something with a bow, correct? Whether it be for fun, for sport, or for gym. But why is Archery so hard for some, and so natural for others? Is it some lucky skill inherited from parents? Or simply some people are more skilled than others? I, personally, have yet to hear of a segment of DNA that creates a Robin Hood but... maybe it's possible. Or, perhaps the successful Archers have a good feel for Physics. Before you aim, you must first dr



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