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Projectile Motion

So in this episode I take a quick look into projectile motion. We start off in Minecraft tracking the motion of a block of gravel. After setting up the experiment using a four TNT power cannon. we tracked the trajectory of the gravel and calculation from the data we know what the acceleration of gravity is in Minecraft on a projectile such as gravel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqMm0w12nWg



Part 1

Most of us play video games or have played them at some point. But have any of us stopped and thought how they work and how they create a program that mimics physics. The best games have their own physics that line up and work perfectly. The purpose of this blog is to investigate these physics so we can better understand how games work. Ok, so for my project I decided to go over the physics of video games, specifically Minecraft and Garry's mod. The following video goes over the force of grav



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