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Physics of soccer

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Physics in driving

Driving involves a plethora of physics knowledge if you want to be not a good driver, but a great one. There are a lot of ways to be able to calculate the time it takes for a car going X miles per hour for X meters to stop. V=D/T is one equation that you could use to solve a problem like this, and knowing how to do this helps you know when to start to break or when to at least slow down. You'll never know how many meters your going but having knowledge like this always helps. This is all very im



Physics of basketball

You must put the right amount of force on the ball to get it in the basket. But you also need to know how far away you are from the basket so you know how much force to put on it, and so you have the right velocity. Also you must know that the backboard exerts the same amount of force on the ball that ball puts on it, so you need to know how much to put on the backboard.



Physics of curling

Curling involves a lot of components in physics, one of which is friction. When the sweepers sweep in front of the rock it "removes" the friction so the rock is able to keep moving and not stop. Also the curl of the rock allows it gain more momentum so when it hits another one it pushes that one out of the way and stops on the target.



Physics of football

There is a lot of physics that is involved in football, for example, momentum. Players that are smaller than others are able to knock over players who are bigger because their momentum is bigger. Also they know that when your about to get hit you must relax instead of tense up.



Physics of Soccer

there are many physics involved in the game of soccer. for example when you kick the ball, you kick it at an angle and a velocity. the angle can affect if the ball bends or just goes straight for the goal while velocity will tell you how strong or fast you kicked it. this is very important in soccer because angles and velocity how good your shot is and you could use kinematic equations to find out if a shot were to go in or not



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