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My TI Selfie

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Light's Out

Friday April 10th might as well have been Friday the 13th!!! Due to the very strong wind, the traffic lights on Cooper and Titus were knocked out. Unfortunately, several businesses around that area also felt the wrath of Mother Nature, suffering from power outages themselves. I work at Cam's Pizzeria as I have mentioned in my previous blog posts, and my place of work suffered from the power outage but heres the catch... only in half of our store. What does this have to do with physics you say



I cant take it anymore!

In Orchestra, we are currently rehearsing a piece entitled "Danza" composed by some hotshot 21st century guy who has no respect for the left hand of a cellist. After the first 53 measures, my entire section plays a series of D's. By a series a mean 500+ until the end of the piece. Its both irritating and painful after a while. As my pinky crinkles up into nothing at the end of the period, I think of physics. I'm exerting x amount of force onto the neck of my cello, onto the spring to play th



Christmas in... January?

So basically we put out Christmas tree up 4 days before Christmas. That being said, we were not about to take it down 5 days later! Or even after the New Year apparently... ANYWAY, our Christmas tree was finally taken down last weekend. But upon taking it down I realized that the unit we were doing in physics really related to our tree, or the lights at least! Christmas lights use both power and energy, which are measured in watts. When the lights are off but plugged in they have a certain amo




Today while stocking the coke cooler at work, I also had to simultaneously arrange the left over bottles into neat rows from their soft, plastic containers. After I had them all arranged nicely, and stacked on top of each other, a few of the containers that I didn't have room for fell over. BOOM! It was so embarrassing, customers looked to the back and my boss gave me a look that could kill. Shaken up soda flew everywhere. I realize I only have physics to blame for this! I bet I could figure



Ice, Ice, Baby....

About two weeks ago I went ice skating with some friends of mine. It was so much fun and I didn't even fall! But both myself and my friends' amateur moves were put to shame when a few couples started showing us how its really done! They twirled, they spun, they jumped and twirled some more. There's a lot of physics in fancy ice skating- er, figure skating. First of all, we see Newton's first law: an object at motion stays in motion until acted upon by a force. The ice skaters glide across the



The Morning I Almost Died on my Way to School...

A couple of weeks ago, when we received a TON of snow and it was -15 degrees (but still received no snow/cold day), I sadly had to drive to school. Before driving to school I had to pick up my friend Natalie. It usually takes me about 20 minutes to get from my house to school, but this day it ended up taking me 35!! On the way, everyone drove like old ladies (naturally) and even going 20 mph I found myself sliding and being sucked into the slush and ice; it was terrifying!!! I read somewhere th



"I be up in the gym just working on my fitness..." -Fergie

Recently, I've been trying to get into better shape so I've been going to the gym. As part of my cardio routine, I grudgingly run on the treadmill. After about 15 minutes I find that my knees are in unbelievable pain (gosh, I despise the treadmill)! I have realized the reason for my knee pain! It has to do with Newton's Third Law! As I'm running on the treadmill, my feet are putting a force on the treadmill, and the treadmill puts a force back on my body. Though I have a greater acceleration




I work at Cam's Pizzeria on Titus. It's a really fun place to work and I love the people I work with! At work, I've noticed a lot of physics. For example, the pizza chef constantly complains that their wrist hurts throughout the night. After an eye roll, I finally realize why their wrist might be sore. It has to do with Newton's third law. The pizza chef is pressing on the dough with a force, and the dough presses back on the wrist with an equal and opposite force. After about 10 pizza's, t



Holy Catapults, Batman!

Last Thursday my class launched our catapults on a football field. My partner and I, were a little bit frustrated with the project, having little experience with power tools and building mechanically sound structures. The day of the launch we were both nervous and excited; our catapult was among one of the smallest on the field. We attempted to get our softball to launch at a 45 degree angle, seeing as that is the best angle for the greatest distance to launch. Unfortunately, our catapult went a



TI Selfie

http://instagram.com/p/tFhfP7yI6B/ here's my TI Selfie. I make Physics phun!



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