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Water Skiing

On a slightly-longer-than-necessary-immediate-family-only-two-week trip to the Adirondack Mountains over the summer past, I learned how to waterski on one ski. Once up on two skis, the forward velocity of the boat makes the water 'act' as it would if you had fallen on it from a very high position: it 'hardens' beneath you, making it possible for you to basically stand on your skis, on the water. Once you get going and find yourself advancing in a relatively straight line, you slowly add pressure



An Invisible Punch

After school earlier today, my friends and I were walking alone in the hall, and I realized that my friend (who I already thought was pretty cool) is actually quite amazing. He is a black belt in karate as a junior in high school. He was explaining to us that there is a way to make yourself tense enough so that you will not feel a direct punch to the abdomen. He demonstrated how to move your entire body in time with breathing in and out, and sliding your feet and flexing and relaxing your muscle



Parlez-vous Français?

My French pen pal is here! Ma correspondent Eulalie! When we speak to each other (mostly in English... they start about 5 years before we do), it is sometimes a little difficult to understand each other. However, the fact that we can hear each other is up to physics. When we speak, we trigger vibrations that travel through the air in longitudinal waves, meaning there are a series of pulses that form compressions and rarafractions in the particles of the air. The sound energy that is carried by t



The Chowsy Draperone

Heh. It is really called the Drowsy Chaperone but you know. Details. It is often misread as this way plus words that don't actually exist tend to get people's attention more often, so yeah. Got your attention now. The Drowsy Chaperone is an awesome and hysterical musical within a comedy and in case you are out of the loop, it is the musical for IHS this year! (distance cheering: yayy!) COME SEE THE MUSICAL MARCH 26 AND 27 AND 28 AND 29. Okay anyway, without spoiling the show, there is one



The Death of Boo

We all remember when 'Boo' 'died' in the 'trash compactor' in Monsters Inc. None of us admit it, but all of us reacted similarly to Sully. That was just... nightmarish. It just doesn't make that much sense, though. First of all, the fall down the chute would have killed her. Secondly, during the process of being crushed and such, so many little pieces of garbage fly off of the conveyer belt. Yet at the end, the same amount is still there. The second to last process for the garbage is to be fl



Bungy Jumping... From a Helicopter

This is a life goal of mine. Get a cool job, get a cool house, go bungy jumping from a helicopter over New Zealand. Among other things. Some people's first reaction is to say with confidence that I would bounce and then sling right up into the blades of the chopper. This is not so. I would bounce for sure, but not into the blades. Heli-bungy jumping is a real thing! I did not make this up! People have done it and survived in one piece! The helicopter would be moving at all times, of course, c



Spagettification, Anyone?

Heh, no. This is not a clever new form of pasta. Unless you are a cannibal. A space cannibal. Spagettification is the verb given to the act of being stretched out by the force of a Black Hole. If you were to cross the event horizon of a black hole, and thus enter said black hole, then the part of your body closer to the black hole would begin to accelerate toward it faster than the part of your body further away. You would get stretched out. You would get SPAGETTIFIED!! As intriguing as this



First Glimpse: The Greater Universe

I have already written a blog entry about black holes. Now here is one about something else equally as fascinating and awesome and unexplained: dark matter and dark energy. They say the universe is forever expanding and moving and sliding and shifting. According to a timeline representing the Big Bang theory provided by National Geographic, the initial bang happened 13.8 billion years ago, and within milliseconds, it inflated enormously, and within seconds, dark matter emerges and begins to p



The Reichenbach Fall

If you are a Sherlockian, you know this one ain't gonna be easy. The Reichenbach Fall is the name of the BBC Sherlock epiosde in which Sherlock Holmes *SPOILERS* jumps from the roof of St Bartholomew's Hospital to save those he cares about - chiefly John Watson - from the wrath of Jim Moriarty. Dr. Watson rushes to Sherlock's lifeless body, collapses in disbelief and grief and fear, but has the sense to take the consulting detective's pulse before they are torn apart. Sherlock Holmes was dead



Trekking vs. Warring in the Stars

So basically, Star Trek vs. Star Wars. Okay, we all know which is better. Star Wars is better. I mean, come on. But believe me, I'm still a Trekkie. Don't worry. Even though Star Wars is better, and even though scientists are indeed working on developing a lightsaber-like thingy, George Lucas created the story because he knew it would be awesome, and because he wanted to make a Western but there were so many out at the time (A New Hope came out in 1977) that he basically made a Western in spa



Eat My Bubbles

Sectional Prelims for the girls' 2014 Swim Team was this afternoon! Shoutout to everybody on the Sectional for being awesome and to all those that came and cheered!! Swimming. Physics. Breaststroke. Physics. I am a breaststroker, and I have been since I started swimming for the school in 8th grade. Breaststroke, in my opinion, is 10% luck, 15% skill, 9% concentrated power of will. 5% pleasure, 15% pain, and 100% reason to remember the name. Ha ha. But really, breaststroke is the most technica



Physics is Nothing.

Something that has fascinated me for as long as I have known about them: BLACK HOLES. I don't get it. How can space-time be... nothing? How can something that was there suddenly no longer be there (and I don't mean Apparating, I mean the real deal). The fundamental explanation of a black hole is that an area of space-time that is trapped by gravity. Nothing can escape. Not even light. The "event horizon" is the region from which escape is impossible. Meaning, once you have entered the event hori



YOU ARE ALL WRONG… Harry Potter is real.

Yes, yes, I am a Potterhead. I own and have read all the books (numerous times), I own and have watched all the movies (numerous times), I have been to Universal's The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, and I own the House scarves and a wand or two. However, bias aside, I would love to point out the real-world possibilities of Harry Potter being real. Well, I mean, of course Harry Potter could be real. In fact, that is quite a common name, across the pond. Besides, why can't a black-haired boy



Welcome to Dragon Training

I believe in learning on the job. If you are a fan of How to Train your Dragon, then you read that line in a Scottish accent. Ah, Gobber. Gotta love Gobber. As flawless as How to Train your Dragon is (even the second one… they made a perfect sequel to a perfect movie), the actual physics behind dragons is, well, not there. Having flying creatures the size of dragons is impossible. The reason birds can fly is because they have very lightweight skeletons and they have feathers that help th



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