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Physics education on the move

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Help your students shine as innovative engineers at RIT #edtech #physicsed #engineering

Hello high school physics teachers! My name is Rob Pearson, and I’m director of microelectronic engineering programs at Rochester Institute of Technology. I really like what I do and I want to tell you why. I also want to tell you why I am sharing this with you. I bet you would like to see students more engaged with the concepts you teach and the math employed in your courses. I am an engineer, so I think about problem solving (applications) first and basic science second. But like any good en



Help your students shine as innovative engineers at RIT #edtech #physicsed #engineering

Hello high school physics teachers! My name is Rob Pearson, and I’m director of microelectronic engineering programs at Rochester Institute of Technology. I really like what I do and I want to tell you why. I also want to tell you why I am sharing this with you. I bet you would like to see students more engaged with the concepts you teach and the math employed in your courses. I am an engineer, so I think about problem solving (applications) first and basic science second. But like any good en



Physics Teacher Out-Reach Web Meeting 1/14/12!

[ATTACH=CONFIG]316[/ATTACH]The Rochester Area Physics Teacher's Out Reach (RAPTOR) will hold its first meeting of 2012 at the Rochester Institute of Technology on Saturday, January 14th from 9 am-noon EST.* Physics education enthusiasts all over the world are welcome to attend this meeting live via this link. The meeting will feature a presentation by Dan Fullerton, author of Regents Physics Essentials, Honors Physics Essentials, and developer of APlusPhysics.com, as well as a presentation a



Honors Physics Essentials Only $12.95

Happy Holidays! [ATTACH=CONFIG]315[/ATTACH]I am thrilled to announce the release of Honors Physics Essentials, an algebra-based physics book designed to assist beginning physics students in their high school and introductory college physics courses as an invaluable supplemental resource in class as well as a review guide for standardized physics assessments such as the SAT Subject Test in Physics, PRAXIS Physics, and CST Physics exams. You can find it online at Amazon.com for only $12



New Book Release: Honors Physics Essentials

[ATTACH=CONFIG]308[/ATTACH]Honors Physics Essentials is an easy-to-read guide to algebra-based introductory physics, featuring more than 500 worked-out problems with full solutions and covering topics such as: kinematics, dynamics, momentum, impulse, gravity, uniform circular motion, rotational kinematics, work, energy, power, electrostatics, circuits, magnetism, microelectronics, waves, sound, optics, thermal physics, fluids, and modern physics. This book is designed to assist beginning



National Novel Writing Month!

Guess what... November 1st starts the annual month-long NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) extravaganza. Amateur and professional writers across the world will struggle to write 50,000 words during the month, with the support and assistance of thousands of others from the NaNoWriMo.org website. The reason? One month to write 50,000 words is a challenge, and that challenge will keep you moving forward in your writing, saving edits and redrafts for later. Join us and see what you can do!



Physics of Angry Birds

Saw a comment from Frank Noschese (Action-Reaction) not long ago mentioning how cool it would be to make an Angry Birds physics motivational poster... took a couple days of fiddling with fonts and effects to get the text right, but I think I finally got a winner! [ATTACH=CONFIG]150[/ATTACH] For more information, check out: Dot.Physics: The Physics of Angry Birds and Action-Reaction: Angry Birds in the Physics Classroom.



Regents Physics SBG Objectives 2011-2012

I've been hammering out our Skills-Based Grading (SBG) objectives for Regents Physics for the coming school year, pulling from the tremendous efforts already in place and utilized by folks such as Frank Noschese, Kelly O’Shea, and others, as well as our state and district standards. In defining these, we were conflicted about how detailed and specific to make our goals, providing students more concrete feedback on their objectives, compared to more general objectives that allow for more i



13 Highest Paying College Degrees

The Huffington Post recently published an article on the 13 best-paying college majors. Note that 12 of the 13 require a strong physics and science background, and all 13 require strong math skills. Thanks to Louis Carusone of Eastridge High School for sharing this article and link. You can find the entire article online at the Huffington Post. I have summarized their data below: [TABLE="align: left"] [TR] [TD]Major[/TD] [TD]Median Starting Pay[/TD] [TD]Mid-Career Median Pay[/TD]



Book Review: The 32 Most Effective SAT Math Strategies

[ATTACH=CONFIG]149[/ATTACH]Steve Warner’s 32 Most Effective SAT Math Strategies is more than a book of secrets to help students maximize their SAT math scores… it’s also a guide to problem solving and learning strategies that extend considerably beyond the bounds of the SAT exam itself. As a physics teacher, I can strongly assert that the most effective review book for any test is the book the student will use, and that requires a friendly, concise text that is clear, easy-to-read, and well pac



10 Quick Tips to Maximize your Regents Physics Scores!

Although by no means an exhaustive list, these 10 quick tips may help you secure that extra point or two on your upcoming Regents Physics exam. Mass and inertia are the same thing. To find the resultant, line your vectors up tip-to-tail, and draw a line from the starting point of the first vector to the ending point of the last vector. Any object moving in a circular path is accelerating toward the center of the circle. Acceleration of an object is equal to the net force on the object div



Upcoming Regents Exam... Get Your Review Books

[ATTACH=CONFIG]144[/ATTACH]For those anticipating the upcoming Regents Physics exam on June 15th, APlusPhysics: Your Guide to Regents Physics Essentials is a book designed to give you everything you need to score well on the exam in a simple, easy-to-read manner. Filled with sample problems and full solutions, the book is now only $10.07 from Amazon!



Book Review: Just Enough Physics

[ATTACH=CONFIG]142[/ATTACH]Prof. Allain has taken his Dot.Physics introductory blog posts and formed them into a fun and entertaining e-book covering the basic principles of mechanics. From his initial advice not to use the e-book as a table leg prop to his discussion of differential equations in chapter 15, Just Enough Physics provides students a light, simple, and concise explanation of algebra-based physics. Further, Just Enough Physics actually includes directions on basic VPython pr



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