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Physics in Going Super Saiyan

In Dragon Ball Z, whenever a character transforms into a powered up state, their hair becomes golden and they're referred to as "Super Saiyans". There a few different forms of Super Saiyan, but in the clip, I've linked, Gohan goes SS2. When a character transforms, they begin to produce a powerful aura that destroys and lifts the ground around it, causing debris to fly up and float around the character, and for the earth to shatter underneath them. This means that the aura itself is so powerful t



More Smash Bros Physics Cause I'm a Nerd

Super Smash Bros is my favorite video game of all time. In the game, you get launched into the air and killed by being thrown off stage past the side boundaries, being launched high enough to either smack the screen or pull a Team Rocket in the background, or by falling off the stage into the bottomless abyss that is the underside of the stage. However, the effects of the smash attacks that send you flying off can be negated, this is known as Vectoring. It is an advanced technique that perfectly



What's the Deal with Bulletproof Windows?

I've been thinking, what is it that stops a bullet from going through a bulletproof window? Does a force come from the window to reflect/stop the bullet? The way I figure it is that whatever material the window is made of is strong enough to repel the force of a bullet, but this must mean that somehow, the window is returning a force greater than that of the bullet, right? I'm seriously asking because I can't figure this one out and once again, Google is too much effort for me. Someone comment a



Yoshi's Side-B

In Super Smash Brothers, from Melee and onward in the franchise, Yoshi, the green dinosaur that is also my avatar, has the ability to turn into a ball and roll over enemies. What I find interesting though is the fact that Yoshi never stops when he hits an opponent, even a large one like Bowser or Donkey Kong. One can chalk this up to the game being a game and not having to follow any laws of physics. However, if it did, Newton's first law would come into play when Yoshi came into connect with hi



Physics of Braking

We all know how brake systems work in a vehicle. However, today, I am going to try to connect physics to braking in a way that I'm not actually sure is correct or will make any sense at all but here goes nothing. Alrighty everyone, consider the following. What if I told you that when you use the brake in your car, you are actually creating an applied force. Think of all the forces at work when driving, there's the force of gravity, the force of friction from the tires and the road, the applied f



The Physics of Ripping Rubber

Here's something you may not have been able to gauge about me from my rocking physical appearance and cool demeanor, but I am actually a pretty avid gamer. I have a PS4 cause I'm cool and I swear I don't play it enough for this to happen, but my control sticks are ripping, although this is probably due to the sheer amount of strength I contain in my fingers due to being so darn strong (more so than Tuskee). This has to do with the friction I create with the rubber on the thumbstick and my thumb.



The Physics of Drifting

Guess who's back? Back again...Reezy's back...tell a friend. I am a very talented and well oriented driver, I've had my license for around 2 months now and I am a pro that could honestly be a NASCAR driver. One time, I was out to lunch with some bum and he decided to walk back to school. Being the good Samaritan that I am, I wasn't having any of that. I went to pick him up but didn't see him until I was very close to the parking lot he was passing so I drifted into it. This was my first ever pow



Physis of an Acorn

Once again, it's B-Reezy with another sick story that will knock your socks off. So the squad and I went out and bought some slingshots at Harbor Freight Tools. I took an acorn and I put it in my slingshot and shot it at my friend's head. It apparently hurt him a lot. He volunteered to allow me to throw one at his head next as hard as I could and see how much it hurt. It hurt less (but of course it still hurt a lot because I am swole (and more so than Delaney)). This, much like my phone experime



Applied Force on a Phone

Hello everyone, today, I would like to share with you a very nautical experiment that I conducted outside of school. I wore safety glasses and gloves for protection by the way. So, what I did was took my phone and dropped it. Yes, that is right, I dropped my phone. And do you know why? It's because my case rocks. Anyway, I took my phone and dropped it from a height of 5 feet and dropped it. I let it fall and it hit the ground fine. Then I dropped it from the same height and applied AS MUCH FORCE



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