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Guitar physics

A guitar string has a number of frequencies at which it will naturally vibrate. These natural frequencies are known as harmonics. The frequency at which an object vibrates at depends upon the tension of the string, the linear density of the string and the length of the string. Each of these natural frequencies or harmonics is associated with a standing wave pattern. Also, the length of strong required to produce a natural frequency could be predicted by using the wave equation (v= frquency x wav



The scary swing

When my sister was younger, we were playing on the playground with my cousins and they all began to be rude to my sister. She decided to leave so she sped away at 10 m/s as her initial velocity. Her final velocity soon became 0 when she ran into a swing and fell to the ground. It took her 2 meters off the ground for about 3 seconds. She went a distance of about one meter before falling. We all made sure she was okay before we proceeded to laugh as she ran away crying. ðŸ˜




Whether or not you would think so, there is much physics in music. For, each note has a different wavelength and frequency. Notes with higher frequencies have smaller wavelengths than those with lower frequencies. Also, throwback to that app for that loud annoying frequency that only students were supposed to be able to hear. The reason for that is because, the older you get, the harder it becomes to hear higher frequencies, but when you're younger you can normally hear them well. So what that a



A new way of heating?

Sound is acoustic energy. Energy is energy. If you yell at your coffee cup, some of the sound energy emitted by you toward the cup will be reflected off, but some will be absorbed into the cup, scattering and becoming heat. However, the amount of energy involved is small.



Mia casa

Recently in physics we learned about parallel circuits. One example of a parallel circuit I deal with every day is my house. What this means is that if one light bulb or circuit blows, everything else does not stop working except that one thing. In a series circuit, however, it is the complete opposite. It's like a big loop. Parallel circuits connect separate items to one power source.



NYC friction

While in our hotel in NYC, my little sister decided to jump on the glass coffee table. Not a smart idea. Unfortunatley, her force was greater than the force of the table and she ended up going through it. Although the table created a force back on her, her force was greater, which the table could no longer hold, which is why the table broke. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.



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