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Hitting a wall

Today I want to tell you why punching a wall is always a bad idea, sometimes when we are mad and don't think clearly we hit a wall to release said anger without harming anyone, I guess thinking the wall will brake under the force. I'm here to tell you it won't harm anyone....but yourself. Admittedly our train of thought is clouded when we are mad but we must never forget that all forces come in pair of equal magnitude and opposite direction. This is VERY important because although most would thi



Why friction is our friend

Ever give any thought to friction? most people would say its a negative thing because it transfers other types of energy into thermal energy and cause things like rug burn. However friction is what allows us to do all the things we do, like walking without friction you would literally never be able to go anywhere. This is because there is friction between your shoes and the ground you push backward and move forward (**cough** all forces come in pairs of equal magnitude and opposite direction ***



Sitting in a chair

As long as I've been sitting I have never given any thought to why I do not fall down. After physics I really took time to think about it and it all made sense. There is more than just gravity playing a role, for the longest time I just assumed that was the only force acting on me, but if that were true them I would accelerate downward with nothing to stop me at 9.81m/s2. Gravity does pull me down but the chair pushes up counter acting my weight which is my mass times the force of gravity. This



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