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In a land of mystery, wonder, and physical phenomena, anything is possible! Join our good friends Piper, Bumblebee, Mr. Diggles, Butterscratch, Turd Ferguson, Chickenlegs, The Tillsderby Bovine, Rabbi Mole, Lardwig Pinklevester, Handsome Jester, and The Physics Professor Formerly Known As Dave (PPFKAD a.k.a. PKAD/PDFKAD/PDFCAD/P-Diddles) as we explore the exciting world of PaperLand! Don't get lost or we won't come back for you. It's dark in here. D':

Entries in this blog

Grapple Zapple

Everybody loves a good hero. But, are they realistic? Some of our favorite crusaders - Batman, Link, Green Arrow - use grappling hooks to get around. I wonder if they’d work like in the games and movies.   Let’s say Batman is trying to get into Arkham Asylum to teach some no good-nicks what he thinks of this whole “rehabilitation” thing. He needs to get two floors up, which is about 6.6 m. And, like in the movies, he needs to rocket up that distance, let’s say at about 6 m/s. The avera



Winter Wonderland

Rochester winters are famous for their snow, and the next one isn’t far off. The more the merrier I say, except when it's that really dense, slushy snow that clogs up your driveway. Unless of course, you're using it to peg some random stranger with. But what if it breaks up like mine always do? Will it still hit the mark?   Let's say we have a nice big snowball, separated into three chunks. The dense center has a mass of .02 kg. The next, slightly less dense section has .01 kg, and the



Call of Physics

I'm sure everyone reading this knows what a sniper rifle is. You know: long barrel, cylindrical scope, big long bullets, used for long range and heavily armored targets. But, what you might not know is how powerful one is. The standard NATO sniper rifle bullet is the .5 BMG. Made in 1921, the most powerful version of that cartridge is about .052 kg, and leaves the rifle at 882 m/s. p = mv, so p = (.052)(882) = 45.86 Ns. That big fat hunk of copper has about 50 Ns of life in it. Now, the average



To Infinity and Beyond

Recently I discovered something about Position vs. Time graphs that I found fascinating. Did you know there are far more than 2 derivatives of the relationship? Acceleration and velocity hardly scratch the surface! Here's a list for all you position fanatics out there: Derivative:          Name: -5                         Absounce -4                         Abserk -3                         Abseleration -2                         Absity -1                         Absement (Absition) 0           



The Wonderful World of My Ego

I'm an AP Physics C student who loves to be silly and goof around whenever I can. I enjoy physics, mathematics, astronomy, programming, engineering, swimming, definitely not cooking, listening to music, and Super Lawn Chair Fighters 3000. My favorite music genres are rock, alternative rock, and heavy metal (though there aren't many good heavy metal bands in my opinion, just a lot of screaming). Since I was maybe 9 years old I've wanted to be an astrophysicist, and that hasn't really changed. I'm



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