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A recent Youtube video from a channel called Vsauce caught my attention. In the video he mentions this line created by a specific set of geometric events. This line is quite special in its properties, if made into a 3D object it is the fastest path from one point to another. This is due to the perfect balance between distance traveled and velocity. In this video you can see the three different paths that are built, the linear path, the Brachistochrone path, and the 'extreme' path as th



Kerbal Space Program

A fantastic game that has an incredible physics physics engine is Kerbal Space Program. At the end of Physics C we do get to play with this game, but I own the game and have had many fun times in it. The premise of the game is you own a space agency on the planet Kerbin (earth). You have to design rockets or planes that can power themselves taking into account of lift and mass of the aircraft. You also have to worry about how the atmosphere will effect the craft including the drag due to air res




As we know through kinematics the period of a pendulum is determined by its length, by increasing the length of the pendulum the time it takes for one cycle gets a little longer. If we line up a bunch of pendulums in a row and just make each string a little longer than the last we can make a very cool looking pendulum wave. Eventually these pendulums will become out of sync and it will look like a mess, but they will follow a pattern and will eventually make the very satisfying wave fo



Boston Dynamics: Handle

Quite recently Boston Dynamics made another cool looking robot that is built with two legs and runs on wheels. In order for this robot to be able to move around without falling over. The ability to not fall over is helped by inertia and the very complex computers within the robot allowing for many calculations to be made in order to put the robots weight in exactly the right spot. What is the most surprising thing about this robot is it's ability to jump completely autonomously. It is able




In most modern smartphones there is a feature called NFC, which is short for Near Field Communication. This tech uses electromagnetic induction with two loop antennas and the information is transferred on a radio signal in the 13.56 MHz band. If a device approaches another device this is called peer-to-peer sharing and both of the devices generate RF fields to transfer data. But in the case of a NFC tag, the tag does not have its own power supply, therefore it uses inductance from the active dev



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