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Weekly blogs posts regarding physics content and stuff :geek:

Entries in this blog

Kodak made a smartphone?

So, apparently Kodak decided to announce a new smartphone than nobody was asking for. The new phone, unsurprisingly, is centered around it's massive camera. But what are the physics surrounding this new camera? Well, the basic specs are simple, the Ektra has a 21-megapixel camera with an f/2.0 aperture and Sony’s IMX230 image sensor, but what does that even mean? The aperture, of f/2.0 refers to how much light a lens will let in. In general this is the largest aperture a lens will have, and it l



Vanta black

Vanta black is a man made color that's capable of absorbing 99.965% of visible light, or, in other words, the darkest black ever created on earth. It is created by growing carbon nanotubes, and when the tubes are hit by light, the light bounces around in the tubes until it is absorbed and turned into heat energy. The invention of vanta black could possible make solar thermal panels far more efficient, with the conversion of 99.965% of light energy to heat energy. Also thanks to Wi



Dropping your phone

Lets face it, everyone drops their phone. Most of the time its fine, but some unlucky few have to face the sickening feeling of picking up their phone and discovering a cracked screen. But why then, are our phones sometimes totally fine, and other times totally destroyed? Well. a lot of factors play into this such as the obvious are you using a case and what did you drop it on, and some less obvious factors like the orientation you drop your phone, the angle that it hits the ground, and what kin



Shoot you grade lab FAIL

So, last Friday we did our first whole class challenge lab where we tried to get a ball launcher to hit a book we had to place on the floor after finding the ΔX of the launcher. In order to do this, we calculated the initial velocity of the launcher after it was shot once, since initial velocity stays constant even after changing height and angle. We calculated the initial velocity to be 4.68m/s. After we had this information, we had to measure the new height and angle of the launcher, and the h



Week 1: not too bad yet

I've been interested in engineering for years, and have wanted to go to R.I.T as long as I can remember. I'm not exactly sure what I want to do yet, but I know I'd like to go Into some field of engineering, and have an interview for an internship at optimax, so if I end up getting it, hopefully it will help me figure out what I do (or don't) want to do. I guess the reason I decided to take physics again this year is because I just really hate myself. But seriously, I really enjoyed physics last



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