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The Physics of Assassins Creed

In the series Assassins creed, one of the core parts of the game is maneuvering around tight spaces and towns by using parkour. This is where you climb buildings, poles, bridges, and really anything that you can in order to get from point a to point b. One of the most intense methods of parkour in the game is the rope-zipline launcher gun. A gun fire a hook out of the barrel which is attached to a long cord. The hook lodges in a building where the player wants to reach, and the other end is atta



The Physics of COD WAW Zombies

In the once popular game, Call of Duty: World at War, there is a popular game mode called zombies. Players are pitted against endless waves of zombies with only one goal: to kill the players no matter what. One of the best parts of this game is the mystery box, a special magical box that gives the player a random weapon when bought. One special gun in the box is the WunderWaffe, a special lightning gun with a low drop rate. The WunderWaffe uses Lightning Cartridges that shoot taser-like projecti



The Physics of Skyrim

In the massive open world game, Skyrim, players can choose to either be a mage, archer, or my personal favorite, a knight. The knight wields a sword as his weapon of choice, and this forces players to get in close when fighting enemies. The effectiveness of the sword is often taken for granted however, and most people never think of the ingenious design and physical properties of swords. Medieval swords like the ones you use in Skyrim have long blades that are thick in the middle but taper off i



The Physics of Peggle

In the popular arcade game, Peggle, the player fires metal balls out of a cannon in an attempt to hit every orange peg in the level that are surrounded by a sea of useless blue pegs. Once a peg is hit, regardless of color. it disappears and the player is given points. It seems simple, but really it is a complex and difficult game given that there is no indicator of where your metal ball will land when fired. Having a basic knowledge of kinematics and the downward acceleration of gravity will hel



The Physics of Aerials

In the popular video game, "Rocket League" a simple idea is turned into an extremely addictive and teamwork oriented game. Teams of up to 4 players are put into a large arena with goals on 2 sides. Instead of controlling a player, you control a car. A ball about double the size of the cars is what players push into the goals in order to score. You may ask though, "What happens when the ball goes up into the air?". The cars are equipped with small rocket boosters on all sides, with a larger rocke



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