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Spontaneous Combustion

Ok, so everybody has obviously heard of spontaneous Combustion but doesn't know what it really is, atleast I didn't before this. For spontaneous combustion to work there has to be a Pyrophoric substance. A Pyrophoric substance is something that reacts to strong oxidizers such as oxygen or water. Anyway the Pyrophoric substances have very low ignition points which are ignited by contained heat in the pile or where ever it is. Examples of a Pyrophoric substance are sodium, haypiles or compost. The



Subbing physics

A robotic sub is submergin with an acceleration of .25m/s² until reaching a constant velocity of 6 m/s. On the way down a leak is created by a shark biting the hull at 10,000m under the surface of the water that fills the hull of the sub by 1 m³/min. Assume the sub is cylindrical with a radius of .5m and 2m long with control .5 m above the bottom of the hull. At what time does the sub short out? If the sub crumples by pressure on the outside at the exact moment that the water shorts out the elec



Physics of breaking wood

I will be the first to admit it, I am a nerd and proud of it. Anyway as I was watching my anime, Kenichi, a martial arts one I thought about it and wondered how people in the real world break the wood and how much force they hand has to break/withstand the force. So looking into it I found several weird sites, anyway 1 was good. First we assume that to break a piece of wood the mass hitting it is about the weight of the arm and hand so using said sketchy table found online (couldn't find male)




[ATTACH=CONFIG]194[/ATTACH]Ok so everybody knows pokemon, if you don't well obviously you aren't in my Physics class and therefore have a lot of free time to be reading this which means that you should know pokemon if you have this much freetime. Therefore everybody reading this know pokemon. Continuing we all know by playing the game that we get --> :banghead) when the pokemon goes away and we don't know why. Well I am here to tell you that there is actually a method to




:banghead) So...I'm taking Physics C hopefully like the rest of you all. Hm..about me: I play cello, love music of some sorts, and like pretty much everything that's PHUN! And...my favorite animal is a dolphin. I am taking AP-C because I think that it will make BC Calc a bit easier. Also, I hope to incease my knowledge a bit... I hope to learn about how things work in the world. Physics is always making me think about how the world works. I am most excited about after the AP's because I think it



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