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Santa Claus is REAL!!!

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So its a little bit late but i found this on stumble upon yesterday, it shows proof that Santa Claus exists. That is of course if you believe the multiverse, which says that there is an infinite number universes which can be like ours or it can be co

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Super Bowl Power Usage

Well the Super Bowl was last weekend and seeing as we are doing Electricity and magnetism now, it got me thinking about how much electricity is used during the super bowl. So I looked around a bit and found out that the TVs used by the people watching the game use 11,309,607 kWh, which is 4.07 * 10^13 J. Now that is enough energy to get a 648919 kg object to escape velocity of 11200 m/s . And that is just the viewers living in the United States so it could be much more. Just think of what all t



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