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Why does water come out of a faucet?

Have you ever been doing chores or showering and wondered how the water comes out of the shower head or faucet? Well, if you have, this blog entry will explain the basics of how they work.

A faucet is a device that regulates the flow of water in a system, such as a house or school, and without them, water would be flowing constantly out of pipes be almost useless in everyday life. SImple machines work to control the pressure and flow of water, including levers and screws. The pressure inside of water pipes is much higher than the pressure of the air outside of the tube, which allows the water to flow up from the ground, against the force of gravity, and out into the kitchen sink. However, in the way, are small openings and valves, such as check valves, which do not allow the flow of water back past the valve. This keeps the water flowing at a normal pace, only to be blocked by more valves, like the ones in faucets, which must be manually turned to allow the flow of water, from hot and cold pipes.

Next time you use your shower or wash the dishes, remember the physics and engineering principles of the flow of water, and how all that work is done just to clean your hair or a glass from lunch.


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I've always wondered about this!



Hmmm... I wonder why I can make my hose spray farther when I put my thumb over part of the end?

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Huh. I've not thought about this before. I would've guessed it was similar to how a straw works.

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