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Waves at Concerts!

I'm assuming that many people have been to a concert or obviously heard music before. While listening or being at a live music show people are usually not thinking about all the waves that are hitting them and going into their ears, at least i never do. But once you think about it, it is very weird to realize that sound isn't just sound; it is waves.

Sound waves to be exact are longitudinal waves which means the wave consists of compression's and rarefaction's and the vibrations are in the same direction as the waves travel. Sound waves are also known as mechanical waves so they always need a medium to travel through so a concert would definitely would not work in outer space!

Amplitude and frequency are the major parts of what makes a concert possible. The speakers need to be turned up to the right amplitude and frequency in order for the music to sound good. The waves amplitude will be larger for the sound to be louder. Also for a lower frequency depending on the type of music the wavelength will control the frequency. The longer the wave length the lower.

Last if you ever wondered about why you can hear music even if a door is separating you from a radio or a concert is happening far away from you, this is because waves are able to diffract or bend around obstacles or spread through an opening.

So next time when you are at a concert just think about all the waves that are around you!


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its pretty cool how sound can bend and still reach you even if stuff is blocking the waves ^^



Very true, cause your just trying to listen to the music.



having a concert in space would be cool! too bad its not possible!

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