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physics of golf

one of the most relaxing sports to partake in is the sport of golf. Golf is a timeless sport that is a ton of fun to play with friends, not to mention golf is a very physics active sport! Golf is heavily reliant on properties such as kenetics and kinematics.

Many golfers make physics decisions every time they play without even realizing it. Everytime a golfer chooses a club they deside what angle they will need the face of the club to contact the ball for the desired elevation and range. For example a driver will hit the ball with a small angle but with more momentum due to its larger size, however, if a wedge is choosen, the ball will travel a shorter distance but with a larger elevation.


Using simple equations it is also possible to solve for the horizontal and vertical components of the golf balls velocity after coming in contact with the club. In order to solve for the vertical velocity you use the equation V(sinO), where V is the initial velocity of the ball and O is the angle of the club face. To find the horizontal velocity you use the equation V(cosO). This would be an interesting experiment to preform in that it would allow the observer to study in depth the differences in vertical and horizontal velocities for different clubs. For example, a club designed for maximum range will most likely have a greater horizontal velocity, and a club designed for lift and elevation would have a larger vertical velocity. Overall, golf is a very skillful sport that requires a basic knowledge of physics, whether the player knows it or not!


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Never knew you played golf Jay! I'm awful at golf...shocker. But awesome post!



how do you keep taking all the good ones that i can relate too? stop it!!!



when do you want to gulf again? this weekend?

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