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the end of physics



Now that physics has come to a close, I think my last blog post should be about what topic interested me the most throughout this past year! Although physics by far was not my favorite class, there were definitely units that were actually quite amusing. Through this year we have learned about friction, kinetic energy, waves, potential energy, newton's laws, and tons of other things. But the one that stood out from all the rest was electricity.

In the electricity unit, we had many cool labs that were very interactive, and I learned many things that I never knew about before. For example learning about conductors was pretty cool, learning about what materials allows charges to move easily and which ones do not was expressed in one lab where Mr. Fullerton laid out different types of conductors and my group had to figure out which one's where conductors and which ones were resistors. This was fascinating to me because I never knew how many different conductors there were and how to really tell the difference between a resistor and a conductor. A resistor is said to be the flow of charge itself. Conductivity and resistance definitely goes hand and hand, without one another neither would exist.

Coulomb Law-looks at forces created between two charged objects. As distance increases the forces and electric field decreases. In order to show this successfully, Mr. Fullerton arranged magnets at different tables and we experimented by bringing the magnetics closer together then separating them further and further apart. By doing so, we could see that the closer the magnets are to each other the greater their force and vise versa, which was appropriately explained throughout Coulomb law.

AC & DC current- this topic was very interesting to me because I never learned about it before and it was actually quite interesting. There are said to be two different types of current in the world, one being direct current which is a constant stream of electrons in the same direction repeatedly, and alternative current which are charges that reverse direction. What was also interesting to me was the electrons can only flow if there is a current, I thought that electrons just always continued to flow but in reality they need a current. AC currents are used more around the world then DC current because its cheaper and easier to increase and or decrease the amount of energy. Most of the appliances in our homes are used with AC, DC is very unlikely to find. However you can also change DC to AC with some power converters as well.


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