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The Physics of...Invisibility?



As much as I'd like to tell you I've figured out all the physics of being invisible and how to acquire it as a superpower, I would be lying. To add insult to injury, this post isn't even about the physics of invisibility, but rather about why true invisibility is an impossibility due to the laws of physics. So if you don't want all your dreams of becoming a superhero with powers of invisibility to be crushed, it would be advisible to stop reading here! To everyone sticking around, be prepared to have your mind blown.

To be truly invisible is to have light pass through you. You are still a solid being, but no one can see you because light passes through you rather than reflecting off of you. So as not to freak passersby out, it's assumed you would have to be naked pretty much all the time, and never carry anything on you - otherwise people would see floating clothes and objects.

Naked outside in the middle of winter? :coldb::cold: And if it rains, the drops would bounce off of you, making your outline visible. This would happen eventually just with dust particles that collect on your skin too. Not to mention constantly having to dodge people and making sure you don't get run over by cars. Sounds fun so far.

So, now on the physics mind-blowing part. What do you think the world would look like if you were invisible? The answer? Nothing. :phew::startle: You see things because light bounces off of them and reflects in your eyes, right? That's why we can't see in the dark; there's no light. Well, if you were invisible, by definition light would pass through you - so images couldn't be reflected in your retinas for your brain to interpret and turn right-side up.

I deeply apologize if I have ruined any of your fantasies, reader. But, if invisibility were a possibility, you wouldn't be able to see anything or anyone any more than they could see you. You would be blind. Trust me - I wasn't happy about it either.

To those of you who are impartial to the subject of superpowers, I hope you enjoyed this blog post! :sword: Thanks for reading, and until next time: :ass:


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