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Why robots have trouble walking



When a human walks they move their center of mass out in front of their front foot then move their back foot forward to catch themselves. The faster a human walks or runs the further their center of mass is moved. Because of our previous experience we can predict where and when our back foot needs to go to catch us. This is why as toddlers we fall down so much, we don't have the experience to know how to catch ourselves.

Robots have a similar problem. Because every step taken is slightly different than the previous because of changes in terrain and environment the location of the where the back foot needs to go changes with every step and must be determined midstride. To do this requires a massive number of previous examples to draw upon (the method used by humans) or huge amounts of processing power which would make the robot to heavy or so focused on walking it could do nothing else. To work around these problems engineers take many approaches including allowing a robot to walk in a controlled environment so it can gain experience, creating better algorithms to determine what motion needs to take place, and building better legs.


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