Cooper Rd. Speeding lab
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[TD]Speeds of Cars on Cooper Road
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Are Cars Speeding on Cooper Road?
Ray, Ben, Julia, Madison, Damian
For our speeding lab, we had to determine if the cars driving north on Cooper Road were speeding or not. We were given a measuring tape and a stopwatch and were left to figure the rest out on our own. We had to describe the kind of car and have at least two sets of data for each car.
First we figured out that there are 15.6 m/s in 35 miles per hour so that we would have a baseline for our calculations. To determine a cars speed on Cooper Road, we extended the measuring tape 15.6 meters and timed how long it took for the car’s front wheels to go from the start of the measuring tape to the end of the measuring tape. We recorded the data for ten cars and wrote a brief description of each car so that we could compare our results with Mr. Fullerton’s radar gun.
After recording the speeds of the cars on Cooper Road we went to are data and compared it to what was recorded with the radar gun. Overall are data was not that off what the radar gun recorded however what data that was off was usually lower then what the radar gun got. In reflecting on this lab we could have had more people timing the cars which would have resulted in more accurate averages. With the timing there could have been someone standing at the beginning of the measuring tape saying “GO” so that the timing would begin at the same time and “stop” once the car got to the end of the measuring tape. Another way we could improve this lab would be through having Mr. Fullerton at the same spot as us recording the cars speed because some cars continue to accelerate as they continue. A final problem we had was that are timing system was very close to the traffic light so not all the cars we recorded were at full speed by the time they reached us.
Are results concluded that there is not a speeding problem on Cooper Road. Our data showed that the average speed between 10 cars going north on Cooper Road was 34.902 km/hr which is below the speed limit of 56.3 km/hr. which is equivalent to 35 mph. We had no one over the speed limit or even very close to it which was a positive conclusion from the data. So no we concluded that there is not a speeding problem on Cooper Rd. if there is anything there is a problem of cars going too slow.
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