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Atleast You're Not in a Black Hole



Many people complain about their lives, but there is always a bright side, or maybe a not so bright side because you are not in a black hole! (did you catch that one).

You see there are a lot of bad things about being in a black hole, the first being you have no chance of ever getting out. Since after the event horizon nothing can ever ever ever escape. (I may disprove this in a later blog post but for now believe me) At the event horizon you are being sucked in faster than the speed of light so any sound waves your making would never get past the event horizon and you could hear nothing.

But singing Blank Space (another pun) may not be the thing you're most worried about inside the black hole in the first place. Because since you are being sucked in by such a strong gravitational force even a centimeter of difference means a massive change in force. Basically you will be ripped apart atom by atom as the force acts on each part of your body.

Say though you did survive somehow! Yay good for you, now the only problem is that because of time dilation (a part of relativity) you will feel like you're falling forever, while on the outside it would appear you're falling at the same speed, so have fun experiencing all you can inside a part of space full of nothingness, I would just take being turned into spaghetti over that.

Of course there is also the possibility that when you pass the event horizon you end up in a 4th dimension full of bookcases... you'll have to ask Christopher Nolan about this one though because I can't explain it.

So if life's got you down, just remember to turn on a light and realize, "Hey I'm not in a black hole so things can't be too dark!"


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