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Iceberg Aircraft Carrier???



You heard me right!!! Back in the 1940's the British made a GENUISE plan to counter the massive damage caused by German U Boats in the Atlantic, and with steel shorthand at the time what was the best resource to use??? You guessed it! Water! But not just regular water, FROZEN water! I know exciting.

But it was not just frozen water, but actually a combination of water and wood pulp known as pykrete, the Operation name was Project Habakkuk and the idea was that the ship would be able to be cheap and last for long lengths of time in the Northern Sea's where it is already so cold. If they could get these aircraft carriers made then they would be able to fight the U boats more effectively in the Atlantic.

Where did they get such an idea but from an easily seen physics principle of flotation, the designer of the boat saw the icebergs that were in the Atlantic and figured something like them could be created and flattened off so that aircraft could take off and land on them to deploy in the Atlantic.

You might think this is crazy, which it truly is, but thinking about the idea, it is not too out there. We all know ice floats and since the Atlantic is already so cold the aircraft carrier could be deployed and would not use much precious steel that a normal aircraft carrier would demand.

The problems though seemed to pile up, for one they would still need a large amount of steel to retain the ships structure, they would need a large amount of insulator to stop melting, and they would also need a large cooling device to keep the vessel cold enough. Besides that they found that the ice would slowly deform over time due to stress or "platic flow".

In the end the project would be cancelled due to lack of support and the large estimated costs, but the physics principals behind the floating block of ice that aircraft would fly off of, sounded really cool.


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