Yoshi's Side-B
In Super Smash Brothers, from Melee and onward in the franchise, Yoshi, the green dinosaur that is also my avatar, has the ability to turn into a ball and roll over enemies. What I find interesting though is the fact that Yoshi never stops when he hits an opponent, even a large one like Bowser or Donkey Kong. One can chalk this up to the game being a game and not having to follow any laws of physics. However, if it did, Newton's first law would come into play when Yoshi came into connect with his foe. What this law states is that an object in motion must stay in motion unless acted upon by a force. Now, Yoshi is a fairly small dinosaur, I doubt that he has a very great mass or could produce a strong enough force to move a large enemy by rolling into them, especially if they perform one of their smash attacks on his egg. In the game, though, Yoshi will always plow through his opponent no matter what they try to do to him, unless they block, meaning that no attack contains enough force to beat the egg, whether this be by cracking it open or reversing its direction. This also implies that the shield can apply a great enough force to do this since it reverses the direction of the egg, meaning it returns a force great enough to push the egg back, but not enough to break it. Fox's shine attack will break it, but lets take that out of the equation because Fox is OP and you're probably a noob with him anyway lol pleb.
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