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Ending With a Big Bang



So to end the last blog of this quarter, I would like to talk a major theory in the physics world: the Big Bang Theory. No, we will not be talking about the TV show. But anyways, basically the theory explains the creation of the universe. The theory states how the universe started as a singularity of high density and tempature and eventually over many years expanded to what it is now today. This theory is also explained using a broad range of light elements, cosmic microwave, large scale structures, and many more. The theory goes more in depth on what happened after the initial expansion, how subatomic particles were then forms such as atoms and then how giant clouds moved onward to form the stars and galaxies. So this is the end of the first chapter of blogging. I hope you enjoyed all the physics that was handed to you. Tune in next time for another great quarter of physics. 

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