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Kobe Jumps a car

In my previous blog I discussed the physics behind Kobe jumping a pit of snakes, which I believe is legitimate (or at least physically possible). Now I'd like to discuss another instance of Kobe's famous athleticism: him jumping over a car moving towards him. This one seems fake to me in theory because the consequences of the stunt are too much to warrant him doing it. However, I still think it'd be cool to think about the physics of it.

This one is definitely faked. If you were to scale Kobe like in the previous video and analyze the motion. His acceleration was -6.76m/s^2. This is 3 units away from the actual acceleration due to gravity. So something is telling me that there were strings of some sort attached to him allowing him to jump with a longer hang time and avoid the car. Could Kobe do it if he were feeling bold enough? I believe in his prime, with his vertical jump, he could do it. The only problem is that the car would need to be going fast. This would mean that his reaction times would need to be as close as 1/100 of a second or he would get hit or touched in mid-air. This is why I believe it is fake; it is physically possible, but in terms of probability and natural human error (please don't give me a 0 for this blog now!) I believe he wouldn't have done this.


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