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AP Physics C Q1 overview

So yes, the first quarter is coming to a close meaning that all who are reading this survived a quarter of AP Physics C. Congrats! In this blog I'm going to give a quick overview of the triumphs this quarter.

This semester is mechanics, and so the course started with kinematics, the "easy" unit. We learned about how to utilize calculus to further the concepts of kinematics, how to take derivatives to find an instannous acceleration, or a integral to find the total displacement and so on. Next was dynamics, applied forces, and C level physics brought about the always ignored (and dreaded) air resistance. Using a differential equation, we learned how to derive an equation for velocity as a function of time (with resistance). Next came work, energy, and power. The major concept learned was that force= - dU/dx because work done over a distance is force x distance. Lastly, the final unit of quarter 1 was momentum and center of mass. Center of mass was not a major unit in Physics 1, however in Physics C we learned to get in depth behind proofs of why the center of mass of a uniform rod is L/2, using integral calculus. 

Overall, it's been quite a task, but I'm glad I got my work done and was able to expand my knowledge in the field of physics.


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