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MRI machine



So recently I had knee surgery, about four months ago on my right knee. Everything was going well and good until a few days ago. Come to find out I messed up my knee again but wait there's more, this time it was both of them. My right one definitely has another tear in the meniscus and the surgery is scheduled:nurse:.  But, the left knee, however, we were unsure of so i had to get a MRI done. During this I was curious to see how it worked but come to my amazement so was the guy operating it. Despite this I decided to research how it worked. I found out that an MRI machine is just a strong magnetic field ranging from .5-1.5 Tesla. An MRI machine uses this magnetic field to arrange hydrogen atoms in the body along the axis of the machine. once this is done the nuclei produce their own magnetic field that can be detected by a scanner and then form an image.  I thought that this was really cool and the person to come up with an invention of this sort must have been absolutely brilliant. From this machine I hope that it gives me some good news so that I don't need three knee surgeries in a years time frame.  


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I recently saw a video of an open MRI machine, I didn't know that there is one magnet that just spins really fast on the inside along with other equipment. It's amazing that it's perfectly balanced so it doesn't tear itself to pieces.

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