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Momentum of Hybrid Cars



In the struggle to "go green" in virtually every aspect of life these days, it is important to still consider the safety protection measures that lack in some types of vehicles. I know everyone has seen those little electric cars that look like golf carts traveling down our local streets. Everytime I see these types of vehicles it's hard not to consider what went through their minds when making this purchase. I mean, how far is too far when it comes to saving the environment? That doesn't have much to do with what I'm about to say but I just thought I would throw it out there anyways. The point is that I read the other day an article about how hybrid cars are actually 25% safer for passengers than the same car in a regular model.

(You can find a news segment about it here.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENNWvhVfugM )

The news broadcast states that the reason the hybrid is safer than its other version is because it weighs almost 10% more, because of heavy batteries used to store energy the car will use when needed. By thinking of this in terms of momentum and impulse, as used in class this week, I came to the conclusion that the car is safer for passengers because it has a higher momentum than the other non-hybrid version. The higher momentum means that the heavier (hybrid) car will push further if it comes into contact with another car than the lighter one would. The wording of that was a little funny, but in short, the heavier car will overpower the lighter car and these passengers will have less injury. With all the safety feature built into a car, what with seatbelts and airbags like crazy, it's funny that scientists are excited about this extra bonus, although it makes sense. In addition to reducing fuel costs, drivers are also decreasing their risk of injury?! Sounds like a win win situation to me.

Don't take this to mean that hybrid cars are the safest. Obviously, a large SUV will have more momentum than a hybrid car would in a crash. This study was just focusing on cars of the same model of hybrid and traditionally powered cars.

And a cartoon just for kicks :star:...



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I would think that a heavier car would decrease gas mileage, but I guess the benefits of the heavy battery must be greater than the losses. It's interesting to think what would happen if all cars were heavier hybrids- the extra safety would be cancelled out in car-to-car collisions but I gues a more massive car would still help with car vs. tree type collisons. Anyways, I still wouldn't want to be in one of those tiny golf cart things :semi-twins:

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Guest ethompson


I'm surprised that the smaller cars are heavier, I never would have guessed that! Although the physics makes sense, I still don't think I would feel safe in one of those tiny things.

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