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How to Get the Most Out of Studying


Video 1: Beliefs That Make You Fail… Or Succeed

A) “Beliefs That Make You Stupid”:

~Learning is fast

~Knowledge is composed of isolated facts

~Being good at a subject is a born talent

~I’m really good at multi-tasking


B) The belief that “learning is fast” really resonates with me because I don’t budget enough time for homework and studying so I have to rush to get things done.


C) Metacognition is a student’s awareness of their level of understanding of a topic.


Video 2: What Students Should Understand About How People Learn

A) The most important factor in successful learning is “what you think about while studying”. You can’t just skim the material or get distracted, you need to be attentive.


B)”Deep processing” means you really understand the information you’re learning and can relate it to other information.


C) Items That Help Learning:

~Minimizing distractions; maximizing focus: I can make sure that I am in a quiet study area without my phone.

~Developing accurate metacognition: I should ask for help instead of settling for a basic understanding.

~Deep, appropriate processing of critical concepts: I need  to make sure I understand something before moving on.

~Practicing retrieval and application: I should use the information I learn to help with homework.


Video 3: Cognitive Principles of Optimizing Learning

A) Aspects of Optimizing Learning:

~Elaboration is the ability to relate concepts: I should know a concept by more than just a definition.

~Distinctiveness is the ability to separate the concepts: I shouldn’t get equations for one unit mixed up with other’s.

~Personal is the ability to relate to experiences: Doing the blog posts should make me relate physics to my life.

~Appropriate to Retrieval and Application is the ability to recall the information: I cannot forget the concepts before the AP so I need to practice them.

~Automaticity is a process so highly practiced that it occurs without any conscious effort: I should get to this level by doing practice problems.

~Overlearning is studying beyond just knowing information to where it can be recalled easily: I need to study outside of class.


Video 4: Putting the Principles for Optimizing Learning into Practice

A) What is metacognition? It’s the student’s awareness of their level of understanding of a topic. In the video, how did the teacher test for metacognition? The teacher used a graph with the x-axis being the students’ predictions of the % of questions they got correct, and the y-axis being the students’ actual % of questions correct. Each point represented a student and if their point was on the line with a slope of 1, then they had accurate metacognition. Any point below the line represented a student with poor metacognition.

How does poor metacognition hurt academic success? It makes students overconfident in their abilities so they lose the motivation to study and get a better understanding.

Why would metacognition that was good in high school be bad in college? In high school it is easy to fly by all of your classes by just memorizing facts and getting good grades and this creates a sense of overconfidence and lack of time spent studying, which hurts college level students.

What are the critical differences between deep and shallow processing? Deep processing focuses on subjective meaning instead of just meaningless aspects of information.

Name a task you already do where you automatically use deep processing. Watching videos and taking notes makes me understand the concepts better.


B) ~”Provides a key summary” applies to the definitions of main terms that video lessons supply.

~”Creates a set of memory cues” applies to the recap at the end of each video of each of the terms and concepts.

~”Engages you in the class” applies to the examples of tests that the video lesson provided to prove certain ideas.


C) I will start a study group while keeping these tips in mind:

~Set a goal and agenda

~Set criteria for participation

~Keep ultimate goal of learning in mind

~Everyone can ask/ answer questions

~Any member can express the group understanding


Video 5: I Blew the Exam, Now What?

A) If an exam goes poorly, I shouldn’t panic or go into denial.


B) If an exam goes poorly, I should examine how I prepared (and be honest with myself), review the exam (compare errors with notes taken), talk with my professor, examine my study habits, and make a plan.


C) Helpful Strategies to Raise One’s Grade:

~Commit time and effort

~Minimize distractions

~Attend class

~Set realistic goals

~Don’t begin to slide

~Don’t give away points

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Very well done MadyRice... thank you for doing a quality job with this assignment!  :angel:

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