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Bullet Fired vs Bullet Dropped

Mythbusters, despite its ridiculously corny commentary, was one of my favorite shows. In case you've lived in a cave for the past few decades and don't know what Mythbusters is, I'll explain it to you: Two people, Adam and Jamie, took a bunch of questionable myths or movie stunts and remade them in real life to test and see if they actually work. It was great: explosions, car crashes, gun shots, and more.

One of their episodes was testing a myth that has to do with kinematics: They had heard that if you shoot a bullet out of a gun vs dropping it on the ground, they would fall the same distance in the same amount of time, even though one was moving much quicker. In case you didn't realize, this is a simple 2-Dimensional kinematics question (although technically it could be considered dynamics as well since they did take drag into effect).

To test this theory, they took 2 identical bullets, and simultaneously shot one out of a gun and dropped the other straight onto the floor. As you can see in the following gif, the "myth" stands. The clip is slowed down significantly, so even though it doesn't look nearly as close, they both hit the floor less than a tenth of a second apart.


If you want to watch the whole video, click this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF_zv3TCT1U


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