Physics Blogs, what happened? (please forgive me, i mean well)
You know its just nice to be here, blogging with my physics fellows and learning new things in a great class environment but real talk, before the second quarter closes on all of my fat head, I just wanted to say that I think that these physics blogs are great, an excellent creative opportunity to connect the dots, so to speak, on the physics topics we've learned. However I feel that not everybody is getting enough out of them for their own sake. These blogs while not necessarily throwaways can be taken to their creative limits. This is not English class so I can say "I" and begin sentences with "and" and not get my knuckles rapped with a two-by-four. Blogging can be very social with all the extra features and comment system and these blogs, while requiring a bit of thought, are not going to be scrutinized by anyone outside of the class room so there is not too much pressure to be meticulously detailed and factual, though it is appreciated. My point is these are fun and I wish I heard about them more. One can talk about science fiction theories or how they think the earth doesn't spin (I'm only joking). These really can be what you make of it in the end.
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