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MLB opening Day!

Major league baseball opened up the season this week and there were some exciting stats and physics involved in the 11 games that were played on Thursday the 29th. Here are some of the great physics highlights of opening day. 

Giancarlo Stanton hit 2 home runs on his yankee debut. One of his home runs leads the league, so far, in exit velocity off the bat: 117.4 mph. With a launch angle of 19.8 degrees, its projected distance traveled is 426 feet. 

Jordan Hicks of the St. Lous Cardinals has the fastest pitch of opening day at 101.6 mph. At this speed, Hicks produced a spin rate of 2,233 rpm. While this ball had a great amount of kinetic energy, it also had a large amount of rotational kinetic energy as well. The highest spin rate of 2,649 rpm was thrown with a 99.2 mph four-seam fastball by Aroldis Chapman. 

The farthest home run of the season so far is by Matt Adams of the Washington Nationals. He hit the ball 460 feet with a velocity of 109.3 mph and launch angle of 28.6 degrees. 

Physics is always relevant in baseball. Throughout the 2018 season there will be a lot more exciting stats while it is only the beginning. 


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