How can you make physics harder than it already is?
I'm sure that the title isn't going to attract many readers, but if your interested, I found a way. You simply gotta hear me talk about it in spanish.
That was the task i undertook as a spanish project. I had to find a topic that I was currently learning about and talk about it in spanish. So, I chose simple vector addtition and away I went.
The spanish was the hard part not the physics. Drawing los vectores with una escala isn't hard to describe. Showing how to draw a diagrama de fuerza was rather easy. Stateing that the object is in equilibrante when las fuerzas es igual isn't mind blowing.
It was interesting to find all of these words that I use in physics class every day and find out how to say them in another language. Now, it would have been even better if I could speak spanish well. But, hey i got the point across.
Now, if you can talk about a topic in another language, you know it well. So I say i got vectors down pretty well (now onto angular momentum). Now, I'm not saying learn about all of physics in Spanish so you know it well. But, if you ever need a project idea, you can do worse. Adios amigos.
Random Sports Fact: The Angels have committed the 3rd most money to free agents in history this winter. The top two are the '07 and '08 Yankees.
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