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A Lost Blog is Reincarnated (Electricity in the Human Body)

AAHHHH! Is there anyway to recover a lost blog post? I'veseen a little "auto-saving" message pop up while I write but I can'tfind anything now that I've accidentally closed out of the A Plus Physics tab! Anyways, the blog was about how electricityfunctions in the human body and I'll do my best to recreate it now. My inspiration was Mr. Fullerton's lesson onhow electricity was first discovered using amber and how amber jewelry could beused to shock frogs. This woke somememories of a long ago AP Bio lesson on the human nervous system. Using the article at http://health.howstuffworks.com/human-body/cells-tissues/human-body-make-electricity1.htm,I did some research. What really happenswhen our bodies send messages between cells is that an electrochemical gradientis changed. The gradient is created whena sodium-potassium pump in the cell membrane throws out 3 positively chargedsodium ions for every two positively charged potassium ions it lets in. This net negative charge inside the cell isrighted when the cell is triggered to open ion channels, thus drasticallychanging the electrical potential of the cell. An electrical pulse results, which transfers the signal to the next cellin line. The resting potential of a cellis -70 mV while when activated the charge jumps to about +100 mV. This entire process takes less than athousandth of a second!


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