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Magnets at RIT

Yesterday I spent the morning at RIT with the society of women engineers. They put together a couple of presentations introducing high school girls to the disciplines of packaging science, civil engineering, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering, all while building a savonius wind turbine out of a soda bottle and other materials. Through the presentations I learned a lot about what I will get to explore further during college. The electrical engineering portion of the morning was most interesting to me, and actually had to do with magnetism! We placed magnets on the underside of our wind turbine so that when it spun around, it would create current through the wire coils just centimeters away. As the magnets spun above the coils of wire, electrons in the wire (which are normally free moving) align to produce a current. Although they only produced 4 to 5 volts, it is easy to imagine how such mechanisms could be used in a large scale to power something more prominent than the small LED lights that ours did. The picture below is a schematic of what we built, and the other is similar to the one that I built just to give you an idea :frog:.



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