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Finding the blips on the screen



The most important technology that came out of WWII was the nuclear bomb. But the second most important technology and probably the most used today is Radar. Every airport in the US uses Radar to track flights. But the physics behind this technology is very simple. It's the Doppler effect. A Radar system has two parts a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter sends out a burst of radio waves. These waves go until it hits an object, say a plane and bounce back with a different frequency because due to the Doppler effect a plane moving would cause the waves to bounce back faster or slower depending on the direction of the plane in regards to the transmitter. Then the receiver detects the frequency of the returning waves. Using the equation f'=fo(c+vplane)/c where c is the speed of the waves in air, the Radar computer can determine the speed of the plane. Also the computer can find the location of the plane by using the difference in time from when the waves were sent to when the waves were detected by using D=2Ct since the time is for the waves to get there and back.



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