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  1. Slinky's can perfectly represent the concepts of basic waves. First, if one person yanks the slinky to the left then quickly back once, a pulse is created. If they do this repeatedly, a wave is created. By making bigger waves, the amplitude will increase and by making faster waves, the frequency increases. If the person at the other end of the slinky decided to create waves as well, interference occurs where the two waves meet. If the waves are produced on the same side of the slinky, constructive interference will occur, creating a bigger amplitude where they meet. But if the waves are produced on opposite sides of the slinky, destructive interference occurs where displacements negate each other. By performing different experiments on slinky's, we can observe how waves work by manipulating their characteristics, observing physics in real life.
  2. Playing with balloons was a fun childhood memory, but as we get older, we discover the physics that go hand in hand with the balloons. If you rub the balloon against your hair, then stick it to the wall it will stay there for a period of time. But how? When the balloon rubs against your hair, the balloon picks up a sum of electrons which makes the balloon negatively charged. The wall is an insulator so it will not steal the electrons, but instead the negative electrons will move as far away from the balloon as possible, leaving the positive charges closest to the balloon. The rearrangement of the charges is called polarization. The opposite charges will attract one another, with allows the balloon to stick to the wall.
  3. A handful of magnets are found on almost everyone's refrigerators at home. But how exactly do they work? To begin, the magnets on my fridge stick to it from both sides. When I attempt to make other metals stick to it, they simply fall. Therefore, the fridge must be magnetic attractable, meaning that it will be attracted to either side of a magnet and becomes polarized by the magnet. In addition, there are invisible magnet field lines on the magnet, flowing from north to south. The pictures of attached to the magnets between the magnet and the fridge only stay up due to the strength of the magnet. This explains why some of the magnets will not hold some of the heavier papers.
  4. I'm pretty sure that everyone has heard the myth that an opera singer can shatter a wine glass with just the sound of his or her voice. But, it's not that easy; there is a lot of physics behind this phenomenon. In order to shatter the glass, the singers must sing a note that exactly matches the frequency of the glass. A slightly higher or lower note will not shatter the glass. But, how does the glass shatter? With the frequencies approaching the same, the glass will vibrate, or resonate, so much that is simply breaks. Ella Fitzgerald demonstrated this in a very popular commercial in 1972 and the Mythbusters confirmed the phenomenon on air.
  5. As a firetruck flies by our classroom, the Doppler Effect is evident in the sound waves that it produces. The Doppler Effect is an increase or decrease in a waves frequency, in this case sound waves, as the source and viewer move closer and further from each other. Us, as students, are the viewers of the sounds that the sirens on the firetrucks who observe this change in frequency. The Doppler Effect explains why the sound that the sirens make gets louder when the sirens are closer and then slowly get quieter and quieter until we can no longer hear them. The highest frequency, and therefore sound, that the observer will hear is when the sound is closest to you. The same effect happens with any kind of car that passes you, but the sirens are most obvious because they are the loudest.
  6. Newton's First Law can be clearly seen in a fun game that a lot of people might have in their basement, an air hockey table. If you neglect friction, it is pretty clean that once you hit the air hockey puck, it will keep moving until it hits the wall or the other teammate. This is a component of Newton's First Law because it says that an object that is in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted on by an outside force; the outside force, in this case would be the walls of the game. In addition, once the other player stops the puck, it will stay in the same spot, that is if the game is on a completely level surface. This happens because Newton's Law also states that if an object is at rest, it will stay at rest unless acted on by an outside force, like one of the teammates. So, physics doesn't have to be boring. If you start to think about physics and how it works, you can find that physics is even in the most enjoyable activities, but you just aren't thinking about it that way.
  7. As we learned the entire unit, friction is fun! And there is nothing more fun than riding the ski slopes with your friends in the wintertime. And when you sit back and think about it a little bit, there is a lot of physics in skiing through the force of friction, a force that opposes motion. Static friction acts on a skier right before they start moving, which may be when the first leave the chairlift. According to the Regents Physics Reference Table, the coefficient for static friction on a skiers skis is .14.Then, once the skier is in motion down the hill, they possess kinetic friction. The coefficient for this is modeled by .05 for waxed skis on snow. Putting it all together, the equation for frictional force is Ff=uFn. Using this equation, you could find the force of friction for any skiers scenario. Next time you hit the slopes, just think about how much physics you are demonstrating in your life.
  8. We can see physics in almost every roller coaster, but the ones that get really interesting are the ones that go upside down because those involve centripetal forces, a key term for physics studies. The period of the roller coaster is the amount of time it takes to complete one "loopty-loop", or one full revolution and can be modeled by T=t/revs. You could also figure out the number of full revolutions the roller coaster could make in one second using the formula f=1/t, which looks very similar to the last equation. Also, while the car is going around the track, a person could determine the roller coasters circular speed, or velocity using the equation v=2pir/T, and its centripetal acceleration, ac=v^2/r. So, the next time you go to Seabreeze, think about all the science you know that goes behind the scenes in making your favorite roller coasters.
  9. There actually is physics in midterms, and no, I don't mean just studying for the actual physics midterm. For example, when you are lifting and moving papers from one study location to another, you are doing work on that object. The farther you move the textbooks or study materials, or the more displacement that you move it, the more work you are doing on it. You can calculate the work you have done using W=fd. Another factor that goes into moving the books is the rate at which you do this, which is power. If you move them in a shorter amount of time, you are using more power. But, if you move the book very slowly, that is using less power. This can be explained from the formula, P=w/t. This is yet another example of how you can see physics everywhere.
  10. Most of the physics in trampolines has to do with the topic we most recently covered which is springs. The only way that trampolines can be enjoyed in the summertime is by the use of physics through springs. Around the edge of every trampoline there are a series of springs connecting the metal outer ring to the elastic cloth on the inside. The force on the spring can determine how "bouncy" the trampoline is. For example, if a toddler were to jump on a trampoline there would be much less force on the spring than if a fully grown man were to jump on that same trampoline. This can be observed at how far the trampoline stretches down to the ground and how much the springs on the sides stretch and compress. Who knew there was so much science in such a fun activity!
  11. Even though we may not recognize it, there is a great deal of physics in playing fetch with your dog. When you throw a Frisbee to your dog to go fetch, it will follow a parabolic path to the ground due to a gravitational force pulling it to the earth's surface. This gravitational acceleration is 9.81m/s^2 and can help one to calculate the initial velocity of when the Frisbee left the owners hand, or the final velocity of the Frisbee by taking into account how far the Frisbee went, its distance, and the time in seconds it was in the air. This is yet another example of how physics can be seen in every aspect of our lives; physics is everywhere.
  12. I am a varsity cheerleader and my brother, a sophomore at IHS, is our varsity quarterback. There is a great deal of physics involved in any sport, but in football it is very clear and evident. At the game just last week, I saw a perfect demonstration of the material in physics that we have been covering. As the quarterback, he frequently throws passes to his teammates. These passes follow a parabolic path from his hands to his teammates down the field. The path that the football takes is a projectile because it leaves his hands at a certain angle and will have a horizontal and vertical component. So, according to the math of physics and what we've learned about projectiles, what is the most efficient way for my little brother to throw the ball to help our team win? To start, the ball needs to leave his hand at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. Also, the bigger the initial velocity is, the longer the ball will fly before gravity pulls it downward towards the field. With these two components, my brother will be more equipped to efficiently throw the football and be the best athlete he can be.
  13. I work about 4 to 5 days a week at the local pizza shop, Cam's pizzeria. There, I answer phones, wait on tables, work the register, and yes, I do make pizza. To impress the children at a birthday party on a tour of the restuarant a couple of weeks ago, my boss pulls out all of his fancy tricks to make the children "ooo" and "ahhh". One of these tricks, applies to what we have been learning about in physics. As my boss tosses the pizza into the air during the making process, the concepts of physics and my everyday life make a connection. As the dough flies into the air, it inherits the initial velocity that my boss gives it. Then, once it hits its highest point, it stops for a split second in the air. Last, it follows the same path and velocity back downward into my bosses hands. But why does it come back down? Why doesn't it stay in the air longer? This is due to gravity. Gravity on earth pulls down on all objects, big or small. The children in the party thought of this as a "cool trick", but as a physics student, I thought of this as science.
  14. Until I took physics, I had no idea that it applied so much to my sport of cheerleading. I hadn't noticed that there was so much science in skills we practice everyday. One skill specifically uses a lot of physics that we have already studied this year. This skill is a stunt known as a basket toss. An example of one is shown in the clip at the bottom of this post. In this example, the athlete being thrown into the air has an initial velocity because she is being thrown into the air by the bases under her. Also, she has a mass, which would be her weight. Once the cheerleader reaches her highest point, her velocity is 0 m/s for a split second causing her to stop in mid air where she hits her toe touch. Then, the cheerleader comes back down to her bases arms. We can also calculate the total time the cheerleader is in the air, or we can solve for her acceleration while in the air. By gaining knowledge about physics, I look at my sport a different way and understand how and why things act the way they do when you throw them; it's especially interesting to see that this applies to even throwing humans.
  15. BREAKING NEWS ON GRAVITATIONAL ACCELERATION IN IRONDEQUOIT Students taking Regents Physics in Irondequoit High School have determained a way to calculate gravitational acceleration quickly and effectivelly. They preformered a lab in which they produced evidence of this. In forming groups of three, the teams gathered a tape measure, stopwatch, and a foam ball. One group member stood on a stool while the other measured the distance the ball would be dropped from the member standing on the stool. The member dropping the ball uses the stopwatch to eliminate delay error once the ball was dropped. The team calculated the time it took for the ball to be dropped to the time it hit the floor. Using the time, the distance it fell and the initial velocity of 0 m/s, the students used the kinematic equation d=vit+1/2at^2 to determain the acceleration. Afterwords, they calculated their percent error to be 29.7%. Using this method, now anyone can learn to calculate the gravitational acceleration of a falling object. By: Ben, Sabrina and Clare
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