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  1. With the method we used to calculate the reachable height, there are many ways in which errors or inaccuracies could have been introduced in to our measurements. We had people in our group that consisted of varying heights, weights, etc that put different limits on our individual heights. However, collectively, the process of jumping up and sticking pieces of tape against the wall isn't nearly as accuracte as it possible could be. Instead, laser sights, slow motion cameras and other things, such as the equipment commonly seen in Mythbusters, could provide more accurate data. With this things you can maximize your results accuracy. If people had the equipment doing the work such as "putting a label" where there maximum height is, then they'd be able to focus more on just jumping, instead of multi tasking. While in mid-air theres a slight delay before you place a peice of tape on the wall, which means that most likely the tape is LOWER than what your capable of. Also, there really aren't any guidelines that instruct you how to jump, if you should be moving, things like that. With this its clear to see that if there were better techniques available, then the percent error would be lower as well.
  2. By completing a lab in Phyiscs class, we were able to determine the acceleration due to gravity and figure out how close we are able to come to the standard used everywhere else, or 9.81m/s^2. One method we used was by dropping a ball from a set height, the ceiling which was found to be 2.76 meters to the floor. Then, using the stop watch we timed how long the ball took to hit the ground. We did this for three trials. We knew the equation D/t^2=Vi+(1/2)a(t)^2 and then solved it for the variable a, or acceleration. Next, we plugged in what was known into the equation a=2(d)/(t)^2. We did this for each different time we recorded in the trials. We had three fairl y close measurements to the standard 9.81, our closest being 11.9m/s^2. As a reslut of a few simple tests, its interesting to see how everyday things can be connected to something that may not seem possible. After this lab, you get a better understanding of real physics.
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